The following examples assume that you've configured the publishsettings file location in your knife.rb:
# List images for use in creating new VM's:
$ knife azure image list
# List all VM's (including those not be managed by Chef)
$ knife azure server list
# Create and bootstrap a Windows VM over winrm (winrm is the default for Windows)
$ knife azure server create --azure-dns-name MyNewServerName --azure-vm-size Medium -I --azure-service-location 'West US' --winrm-user myuser --winrm-password 'mypassword'
# Create and bootstrap a Windows VM over winrm using SSL (winrm is the default for Windows)
$ knife azure server create --azure-dns-name MyNewServerName --azure-vm-size Medium -I --azure-service-location 'West US' --winrm-user myuser --winrm-password 'mypassword' --winrm-transport ssl --winrm-ssl-verify-mode verify_none
# Create and bootstrap an Ubuntu VM over ssh
$ knife azure server create -N MyNewNode --azure-vm-size Medium -I b39f27a8b8c64d52b05eac6a62ebad85__Ubuntu-14_04_1-LTS-amd64-server-20140927-en-us-30GB -m 'West US' --ssh-user myuser --identity-file ~/.ssh/myprivatekey_rsa
# Create and bootstrap an Windows VM through the Azure API --
# No winrm or ssh transport or Internet access required
$ knife azure server create --azure-dns-name MyNewServerName --azure-vm-size Medium -I --azure-service-location 'West US' --winrm-user myuser --winrm-password 'mypassword' --bootstrap-protocol cloud-api
# Delete a server and purge it from the Chef server
$ knife azure server delete MyNewNode --purge -y
Use the --help option to read more about each subcommand. Eg:
knife azure server create --help
Most configuration options can be specified either in your knife.rb file or as command line parameters. The CLI parameters override the knife.rb parameters.
The following options are required for all subcommands:
option :azure_publish_settings_file Path to your .publishsettings file
option :azure_subscription_id Your Azure subscription ID
option :azure_mgmt_cert Management certificate in PEM format
option :azure_api_host_name Your Azure API host name
Outputs a list of all linux images that are available to use for provisioning. You should choose one of these to use for the :azure_source_image parameter to the server create command. You can use the filter option to see a detailed image list.
knife azure image list
This subcommand provisions a new server in Azure and then performs a Chef bootstrap. The goal of the bootstrap is to get Chef installed on the target system so it can run Chef Client with a Chef Server.
knife-azure depends on knife-windows: to bootstrap Windows machines via WinRM (Basic, NTLM and Kerberos authentication) or ssh.
The distro/template to be used for bootstrapping is:
Windows source images should have the WinRM service enabled and the authentication should be set accordingly (Basic, NTLM and Kerberos). Firewall rules should be added accordingly to the source images. Refer to the link to configure this:
:azure_dns_name Required. The DNS prefix name that can be used to access the cloud
service which is unique within Microsoft Azure. If you want to add
new VM to an existing service/deployment, specify an exiting
dns-name, along with --azure-connect-to-existing-dns option. Otherwise
a new deployment is created.
:azure_service_location Required. Specifies the geographic location of the resource as the
name of a datacenter location that is valid for your subscription. Eg:
West US, East US, East Asia, Southeast Asia, North Europe, West Europe.
:azure_source_image Required. Specifies the name of the disk image to use to create
the virtual machine. Do a "knife azure image list" to see a
list of available images.
:azure_storage_account A name for the storage account that is unique within Microsoft Azure.
Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in
length and use numbers and lower-case letters only. This name is
the DNS prefix name and can be used to access blobs, queues, and
tables in the storage account.
:azure_vm_name Specifies the name for the virtual machine. The name must
be unique within the deployment.
:azure_os_disk_name Optional. Specifies the friendly name of the disk containing
the guest OS image in the image repository.
:azure_vm_size Size of virtual machine. Default is Small.
(ExtraSmall, Small, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge)
:azure_connect_to_existing_dns Set this flag to add the new VM to an existing
deployment/service. Must give the name of the existing
DNS correctly in the --azure-dns-name option
:azure_availability_set Optional. Name of availability set to add virtual machine into.
You can create a server with minimal configuration. On the Azure Management Portal, this corresponds to a "Quick Create - VM". Sample command for quick create (for an Ubuntu instance):
knife azure server create
--azure-publish-settings-file '/path/to/your/cert.publishsettingsfile'
--azure-dns-name 'myservice'
--azure-service-location 'West US'
--azure-source-image 'source-image-name'
--ssh-user 'jetstream'
--identity-file '~/.ssh/myazure_rsa'
Note that the --identity-file option, which enables specification of a private key authorized to communicate securely with the created server during the bootstrap process, will also configure the user specified by --ssh-user with the public key that corresponds to the private key specified by --identity-file. This configuration persists even after the create subcommand has completed successfully, so that the key specified with --identity-file can be used with ssh clients for subsequent access to the server as the user specified by --ssh-user.
You can set these options from knife.rb. A typical knife.rb is shown below:
knife[:azure_publish_settings_file] = '/path/to/your/cert.publishsettingsfile'
knife[:azure_dns_name] = 'myservice'
knife[:azure_service_location] = 'West US'
knife[:azure_source_image] = 'source-image-name'
knife[:ssh_user] = 'jetstream'
knife[:identity_file] = '~/.ssh/myazure_rsa'
You can set various other options in the advanced create. Eg: If you want to set the Azure VM Name different from that of the Azure DNS Name, set the option :azure_vm_name. Eg: If you want to specify a Storage Account Name, set the option :azure_storage_account
To connect to an existing DNS/service, you can use a command as below:
knife azure server create
--azure-subscription-id 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
--azure-mgmt-cert '/path/to/your/mgmtCert.pem'
--azure-api-host-name ''
--azure-dns-name 'myservice'
--azure-vm-name 'myvm02'
--azure-service-location 'West US'
--azure-source-image 'source-image-name'
--ssh-user 'jetstream'
--ssh-password 'jetstream@123'
These options may also be configured from knife.rb, as in this example:
knife[:azure_subscription_id] = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
knife[:azure_mgmt_cert] = '/path/to/your/mgmtCert.pem'
knife[:azure_api_host_name] = ''
knife[:azure_service_location] = 'West US'
Endpoints are configured using tcp-endpoints and udp-endpoints. This is a string in the form: {localPort}:{publicPort}:{load_balancer_set_name}:{load_balancer_probe_path}
knife[:tcp-endpoints]='80' # Allow Port 80 inbound
knife[:tcp-endpoints]='80:8080' # Allow Port 80 inbound and map it to local port 8080
knife[:tcp-endpoints]='80:8080:web-set' # Allow Port 80 and add it to the load balancing set called 'web-set'
knife[:tcp-endpoints]='80:8080:web-set:/healthcheck' # Allow Port 80, add it to the load balancing set, and use an HTTP probe at path "/healthcheck"
Note that the load balancing set will be created if it does not exist. If it exists within another VM in the cloud service, it will re-use those values for the probe.
:bootstrap_protocol Default is winrm for a windows image
:winrm_password The WinRM password
:winrm_authentication_protocol Defaults to negotiate, supports kerberos, can be set to basic for debugging
:winrm_transport Defaults to plaintext, use ssl for improved privacy
:winrm_port Defaults to 5985 plaintext transport, or 5986 for SSL
:ca_trust_file The CA certificate file to use to verify the server when using SSL
:winrm_ssl_verify_mode Defaults to verify_peer, use verify_none to skip validation of the server certificate during testing
:kerberos_keytab_file The Kerberos keytab file used for authentication
:kerberos_realm The Kerberos realm used for authentication
:kerberos_service The Kerberos service used for authentication
Theses options are useful if you have long-running run-lists and if the chef run might use a lot of memory. In most cases people don't need to set these, but if they see certain timeout or memory related errors during bootstrap, particularly on Win2k8r2, it may make sense to move these beyond the default.
:winrm_max_timeout Set winrm max timeout in minutes
:winrm_max_memoryPerShell Set winrm max memory per shell in MB
knife azure server create
--azure-dns-name 'myserver'
--azure-source-image 'windows-2012-image-id'
--azure-service-location 'West US'
--winrm-user azure
--winrm-password 'azure@123'
--winrm-max-timeout 30
--winrm-max-memoryPerShell 400
The quick create option requires the following options for a windows instance:
knife azure server create
--azure-publish-settings-file '/path/to/your/cert.publishsettingsfile'
--azure-dns-name 'myserverdnsname'
--azure-service-location 'West US'
--azure-source-image 'windows-2012-image-id'
--winrm-user 'jetstream'
--winrm-password 'jetstream@123'
--distro 'windows-chef-client-msi'
Sample knife.rb for bootstrapping Windows Node with basic authentication
knife[:bootstrap_protocol] = 'winrm'
knife[:winrm_password] = 'mgcvTuvV2Rh'
knife[:winrm_user] = 'myuser'
knife[:winrm_port] = '5985'
knife[:distro] = 'windows-chef-client-msi'
By specifying the value cloud-api
for the bootstrap_protocol
option of knife azure server create
instead of winrm
or ssh
, Microsoft Azure will install Chef Client using the azure-chef-extension
. The process as a whole is asynchronous, so once the knife azure server create
command has create the VM, full provisioning and Chef bootstrap will continue to occur even if the knife
command is terminated before it completes.
We have added option daemon
for Windows OS which configures the chef-client as a service or as a scheduled task for unattended execution. Accepted values are none
, service
and task
none - Currently prevents the chef-client service or scheduled task to be configured.
service - Configures the chef-client to run automatically in the background as a service.
task - Configures the chef-client to run automatically in the background as a scheduled task. So chef-client runs in a defined interval which is 30 mins by default.
Option chef_daemon_interval
can be used for running the chef-client as a service or as a scheduled task in defined interval automatically in the background. Its value is 30 mins by default.
knife azure server create
--azure-publish-settings-file '/path/to/your/cert.publishsettingsfile'
--azure-dns-name 'myserverdnsname'
--azure-service-location 'West US'
--azure-source-image 'windows-2012-image-id'
--winrm-user 'jetstream'
--winrm-password 'jetstream@123'
--bootstrap-protocol 'cloud-api'
--daemon 'task'
--chef-daemon-interval '18'
It's possible to pass bootstrap options to the extension which get specified in client.rb
file on the VM. Following options can be passed:
Following options are used for creating server with domain join
:azure_domain_name Specifies the domain name to join. If the domains name is not specified, --azure-domain-user must specify the user principal name (UPN) format (user@fully-qualified-DNS-domain) or the fully-qualified-DNS-domain\\username format
:azure_domain_user Specifies the username who has access to join the domain.Supported format: username(if domain is already specified in --azure-domain-name option),fully-qualified-DNS-domain\username, user@fully-qualified-DNS-domain
:azure_domain_passwd Specifies the password for domain user who has access to join the domain
knife azure server create -I --azure-vm-size Medium -x 'azure' -P 'admin@123' --azure-domain-passwd 'admin@123' --azure-domain-user '\user' --azure-domain-name '' -c '~\chef-repo\.chef\knife.rb' --azure-network-name 'mynetwork' --azure-subnet-name 'subnet1' --azure-service-location 'West US'
Deletes an existing server in the currently configured Azure account. By default, this does not delete the associated node and client objects from the Chef server. To do so, add the --purge flag. Also by default, the DNS name, also called "cloud service", is deleted if you are deleting the last VM from that service. By default, the OS disk is also deleted. The underlying VHD blob is also deleted by default. If you want to retain them add the --preserve flag as shown below. To delete the storage account, add the --delete-azure-storage-account flag since by default the storage account is not deleted.
knife azure server delete "myvm01"
knife azure server delete "myvm01" --purge #purge chef node
knife azure server delete "myvm01" --preserve-azure-os-disk
knife azure server delete "myvm01" --preserve-azure-vhd
knife azure server delete "myvm01" --preserve-azure-dns-name
knife azure server delete "myvm01" --delete-azure-storage-account
Since the VM name can be the same across DNS name, you must specify the DNS name also to delete the VM. Sample command to delete a VM for a given DNS name:
knife azure server delete "myvm01" --azure-dns-name "mydnsname"
knife azure server delete "myvm01" "myvm02" --azure-dns-name "mydnsname"
Outputs a list of all servers in the currently configured Azure account. PLEASE NOTE - this shows all instances associated with the account, some of which may not be currently managed by the Chef server.
knife azure server list
Outputs a list of defined affinity groups in the azure subscription.
knife azure ag list
Creates a new affinity group in the specified service location.
knife azure ag create -a 'mynewag' -m 'West US' --azure-ag-desc 'Optional Description'
Knife options:
:azure_affinity_group Specifies new affinity group name.
:azure_service_location Specifies the geographic location.
:azure_ag_desc Optional. Description for new affinity group.
Outputs a lit of defined load balancers for all cloud services. Public facing load balancers are not shown here.
Creates a new Internal Load Balancer within a cloud service.
knife azure internal lb create -n 'my_lb' --azure-lb-static-vip '' --azure-subnet_name 'Subnet_1' --azure-dns-name 'service_name'
Knife options: :azure_load_balancer Required. Specifies the name of the Load Balancer. :azure_lb_static_vip Optional. Allows you to set a static IP for the VIP. :azure_subnet_name Required ONLY IF azure_lb_static_ip is set. Specifies the subnet that the static IP resides in. :azure_dns_name Required. The cloud service that this internal Load Balancer will be added to.
Outputs a list of defined virtual networks in the azure subscription.
knife azure vnet list
Creates a new or modifies an existing virtual network. If an existing virtual network is named, the affinity group and address space are replaced with the new values.
knife azure vnet create -n 'mynewvn' -a 'existingag' --azure_address_space ''
Knife options:
:azure_network_name Specifies the name of the virtual network to create.
:azure_affinity_group Specifies the affinity group to associate with the vnet.
:azure_address_space Specifies the address space of the vnet using CIDR notation.
For CIDR notation, see here: Address available are defined in RFC 1918: