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7f5c85a · Sep 8, 2019





Kubernetes application service

Current chart version is 0.0.2

Chart Values

Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Kubernetes affinity resource. string "nginx" Application name: Can be consistent between tracks. (required)
app.version string "v1" Application version: Unique tag for this release. (required)
env list [] Environment variables for the application.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string "nginx" Docker image repository.
image.tag string "latest" Docker image tag.
imagePullSecrets list [] Defines secrets to use for pulling docker images.
ingress.annotations object {} Configures annotations for the ingress.
ingress.enabled bool false Enable ingress resource.
ingress.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local" Host name for routing traffic.
ingress.hosts[0].paths list ["/"] Array of routable paths.
ingress.tls list [] Kubernetes ingress tls resource.
livenessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":"/","port":"http"}} Customize the livenessProbe.
migrate.command string "rails db:migrate" Command to run on the migrate pod.
migrate.enabled bool false Run a pod before the application is released to migrate.
nodeSelector object {} Kubernetes node selectors for Deployment resources.
readinessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":"/","port":"http"}} Customize the readiness probe.
replicaCount int 1 Replica count for deployments.
resources object {} Kubernetes resources for Deployment resources.
secret string nil If defined will pull all secrets from this resource using envFrom.
service.enabled bool true Enable service resource.
service.internalPort int 80 Deployment internal port.
service.port int 80 Kubernetes service port.
service.type string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes service type.
tolerations list [] Kubernetes tolerations for Deployment resources.
workers list [] Deploy background jobs with the same config as the main app.