String extract, edit
# if file is empty
[[ ! $( awk NF FILE ) ]] && echo empty
length=${#string} # 10
position=$( expr index "$string" '4' ) # 4
# multiline to words
words=$( echo $mutiline )
# words to multiline
mutiline=$( xargs -n1 <<< $words )
# find matched
[[ 'aa bb cc' =~ bb ]] && echo y || echo none # regex
[[ 'aa bb cc' == *bb* ]] && echo y || echo none # no spaces
[[ 'aa bb cc' == *"a bb"* ]] && echo y || echo none # with spaces
echo aa bb cc | grep -qw bb && echo matched || echo none
# convert 'string' to 'array' of individual characters: array=(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0)
for (( i=0 ; i < ${#string} ; i++ )); do
extract=${array[1]} # b
# extract
echo string | head -c -1 # 123456789
echo string | head -c 4 # 1234
echo string | tail -c 4 # 7890
echo string | cut -b 2-5 # 2345
${string:1:3} # 23
${string:0:3} # 123
${string::3} # 123
${string: 3} # 4567890
${string:3} # 4567890
${string%8*} # 1234567
${string::-3} # 1234567
${string:0:-3} # 1234567
${string: -3} # 890
${string:-3} # 1234567890 not applicable!!!
# extract word
echo 'aaa bbb ccc' | awk '{ print $2 }' # bbb (2nd word - multiple spaces)
echo 'aaa bbb ccc' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 # bbb (< > delimiter)
echo 'key1="aaa" key2="bbb" | cut -d '"' -f 2 # aaa (<"> delimiter)
# extract file parts
dir=$( dirname "$path" )
file=$( basename "$path" )
filename=${file%.*} # or $( basename "$path" .${path##*.} )
fileext=${file##*.} # or ${path##*.}
# edit
${#string} # 15 - length
${string/123/abc} # abc456789012345 - replace '123' with 'abc'
${string//123/abc} # abc4567890abc45 - replace all '123' with 'abc'
${string/123} # 456789012345 - delete '123'
${string//123} # 456789045 - delete all '123'
${string/3*5} # 12 - delete match '3 to 5'
${string#1*4} # 56789012345 - delete match '1 to 5' from left
${string##1*4} # 5 - delete longest match '1 to 5' from left
${string%2*5} # 12345678901 - delete match '1 to 5' from right
${string%%2*5} # 1 - delete longest match '3 to 5' from right
# non-greedy replace
echo 123456789012345 | perl -pe 's/2(.*?)5/a\1b/' # 1a34b6789012345 - `?`=shortest
# squeeze multiple character/spaces to single in string / file
echo 'a b c d' | tr -s ' ' # a b c d
tr -s ' ' < file
# delete characters from string / file
echo 'a b c d' | tr -d ' ' # abcd
tr -d ' ' < file
# filter only numbers / non numbers
echo 123abc456def | tr -dc [0-9] # 123456
echo 123abc456def | tr -d [0-9] # abcdef
# trim leading and trailing white sapces + squeeze multiplesapces to single (not for strings contain quotes, single or double)
echo ' a b c d ' | xargs # a b c d
# delete trailing empty lines
awk NF file
# extract only number / non-number
echo $numstring | tr -d -c .0-9 # 1.23
echo $numstring | tr -d -c a-z # ab
${numstring//[^0-9.]/} # 1.23 - '//'delete all characters '^'not match '[...]'any of '0 to 9'
${numstring//[0-9.]/} # ab - '//'delete all characters match '[...]'any of '0 to 9'
# extract float number
${float%.*} # 1 (round down) - '%'delete from end '*'all characters to 1st '.' matched
${float#.*} # 23 - '#'delete from start '*'all characters to 1st '.' matched
# extract space-separated words
$( awk '{print $3}' <<<'column1 column2 column3 column4' ) # column3
$( awk '{print $NF}' <<<'column1 column2 column3 column4' ) # column4 (last column)
# extract path / filename
dirname $path # /path/to
basename $path # filename
# convert case
=${$string^^} # ABC - uppercase
${$string,,} # abc - lowercase