Clean and simple cheat sheets to ease everyday work.
This reposiory gathers notes taken over the years, in Markdown format, in a Wiki/Knowledge base spirit. You're more than welcome to contribute (fork > branch > pull request)!
The online version is available at
- Architecture
- CircleCI
- Companies
- Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB)
- Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
- DevOps
- Docker
- .NET Framework
- eBPF
- Firebase
- Grafana Labs
- GraphQL
- gRPC
- HAProxy
- HashiCorp
- JavaScript
- Jekyll
- k3d
- Keycloak
- Knative
- Kong
- Linux
- Marp
- Microsoft
- MongoDB
- nginx
- Open Application Model (OAM)
- PostgreSQL
- Pulumi
- Puppet
- Python
- RabbitMQ
- Redis
- Selenium
- Single-board computers
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Sonar
- Splunk
- Travis
- Tuleap
- Windows
- Workstation
- wiki in French