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First Weekly Assignment for the PMPH Course

This is the text of the first weekly assignment for the DIKU course "Programming Massively Parallel Hardware", 2024-2025.

Hand in your solution in the form of a short report in PDF format, along with whatever source-code files are mandated by specific subtasks. All code files should be zipped together into an archive named

For task 3, you are supposed to write yourself a CUDA program in a file named and a Makefile for it. For the other (Futhark) programming tasks (i.e., tasks 2 and 4), you are supposed to fill in the missing parts in the code such that all the tests are valid (and to report some performance results for larger datasets).

With the exception of task 3, please send back the same files under the same structure that was handed in, i.e., please implement the missing parts directly in the provided files. There are comments in the source files that are supposed to guide you (together with the text of this assignment).

Extracting the handed in archive wa1-code-handin.tar.gz will create the wa1-code-handin folder, which contains

  1. subfolder spMatVct containing files spMVmult-flat.fut and spMVmult-seq.fut that correspond to the sparse-matrix vector multiplication problem, and

  2. subfolder lssp, which contains the files corresponding to the longest-satisfying segment problem.

Task 1 (2 pts):

Task 1.a) Prove that a list-homomorphism induces a monoid structure (1pt)

Assume you have a well-defined list-homomorphic program h : A → B, i.e., all list splitting into x++y give the same result:

1. h []  = e
2. h [a] = f a
3. h (x ++ y) = (h x) o (h y)

where o is the binary operator of the homomorphism (and does not denote function composition). Assume also that you may apply the third definition as well as the second one for the case when the input is a one-element list. For example, the following derivation is legal:

h [a] = h ([] ++ [a]) = (h []) o (h [a]) = (h []) o (f a).

Your task is to prove that ( Img(h), o ) is a monoid with neutral element e, i.e., prove that o is associative and that e is neutral element:

  • prove that for any x, y, z in Img(h), (x o y) o z = x o (y o z) (associativity)

  • prove that for all x in Img(h), x o e = e o x = x (neutral element)

Notation and Hint: If h : A → B, then Img(h) = { h(a) | forall a in A } is the subset of B formed by applying h to all elements of A. It follows that for any x in Img(h), there exists an a in A such that h(a) = x. The solution is short, about 6-to-8 lines.

For example, for associativity, you can start by stating that, by definition of Img, for any x, y, z in Img(h), there exist a, b and c such that x = h a, y = h b and z = h c. Then write a suite of equalities that takes you from the left-hand side of the equality (ultimately) to its right-hand side:

(x o y) o z = ( (h a) o (h b) ) o (h c) = ...continue equality-based rewriting... = x o (y o z)

Task 1.b) Prove the Optimized Map-Reduce Lemma (1pt)

This task refers to the List Homomorphism Promotion Lemmas, which were presented in the first lecture and can be found in the lecture notes at page 17-19 inside Section 2.4.2 entitled "Other List-Homomorphism Lemmas". In the following o denotes function composition.

Your task is to use the three List Homomorphism Promotion Lemmas to prove the following invariant (Theorem 4 in lecture notes):

(reduce (+) 0) o (map f)


(reduce (+) 0) o (map ( (reduce (+) 0) o (map f) ) ) o distr_p

where distr_p distributes the original list into a list of p sublists, each sublist having about the same number of elements, and where o denotes the operator for function composition. Include the solution in the written (text) report.

Big Hint: Please observe that (reduce (++) []) o distr_p = id where id is the identity function, meaning:

reduce (++) [] (distr_p x) == x`, for any list `x`

So you should probably start by composing the identity at the end of the first (left) term and then apply the rewrite rules that match until you get the second (right) term of the equality:

(reduce (+) 0) o (map f) == (reduce (+) 0) o (map f) o  (reduce (++) []) o distr_p == ...

You should be done deducing the second term of the identity after three steps, each applying a different lemma. Should be a short solution!

Task 2: Longest Satisfying Segment (LSS) Problem (3pts)

Your task is to fill in the dots in the implementation of the LSS problem. Please see lecture slides or/and Sections 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 in lecture notes, pages 20-21. The handed-in code provides three programs (lssp-same.fut, lssp-zeros.fut, lssp-sorted.fut), for the cases in which the predicate is same, zeros, and sorted (in subfolder lssp). They all call the lssp function with its own predicate; the lssp (generic) function is for you to implement in the lssp.fut file. A generic sequential implementation is also provided in file lssp-seq.fut; you may test it by calling lssp_seq instead of lssp (and by commenting out the import "lssp") in each of the three files---but then remember to compile with futhark c, otherwise it will be very slow. Your task is to

  • implement the LSS problem in Futhark by filing in the missing lines in file lssp.fut.

    • add one or more small datasets---reference input and output directly in the main files lssp-same.fut, lssp-zeros.fut, lssp-sorted.fut---for each predicate (zeros, sorted, same) and make sure that your program validates on all three predicates by running futhark test --backend=cuda lssp-sorted.fut and so on.

    • add a couple of larger datasets and automatically benchmark the sequential and parallel version of the code, e.g., by using futhark bench --backend=c …​ and futhark bench --backend=cuda …​, respectively. (Improved sequential runtime --backend=c can be achieved when using the function lssp_seq instead of lssp, but it is not mandatory.) Report the runtimes and the speedup achieved by GPU acceleration. Several ways of integrating datasets directly in the Futhark program are demonstrated in github file HelperCode/Lect-1-LH/mssp.fut

    • submit your code lssp.fut (together with all the other provided code, so that your TAs do not have to move files around).

  • include in your written report (1) your solution, i.e., the five missing lines in Section 2.5.3 of lecture notes, (2) the validation tests you added and (3) the runtimes and speedups obtained in comparison with the sequential implementation.

Redundant Observation: We have also included a sequential generic version of LSSP, its implementation is in file lssp-seq.fut. You may enable it from any instances, for example by uncommenting in file lssp-same.fut the line lssp_seq pred1 pred2 xs (and commenting the other one). However, if you do that, then compile with the c backend (cuda will take forever because you are running a sequential program).

Task 3: CUDA exercise, see lab 1 slides: Lab1-CudaIntro (3pts)

Write a CUDA program with two functions that both map the function \ x → (x/(x-2.3))^3 to the array [1,…​,753411], i.e., of size 753411. Use single precision float. The first function should implement a serial map performed on the CPU; the second function should implement a parallel map in CUDA performed on the GPU. Check that the element-wise result on CPU is equal to the one computed on the GPU (modulo an epsilon error, e.g., fabs(cpu_res[i] - gpu-res[i]) < 0.0001 for all i), and print a VALID or INVALID message. Also make your program print:

  • the runtimes of your CUDA vs CPU-sequential implementation (for CUDA please exclude the time for CPU-to-GPU transfer and GPU memory allocation),

  • the acceleration speedup,

  • the memory throughput (in GigaBytes/sec) of your CUDA implementation.

Then increase the size of the array to determine what is roughly the maximal memory throughput.

  • When you measure the GPU time:

    • Call the CUDA kernel (repeatedly) inside a loop of some non-trivial count, say 300.

    • After the loop, please place a cudaDeviceSynchronize(); statement.

    • Measure the time before entering the loop and after the cudaDeviceSynchronize(); --- the latter ensures that all Cuda kernels have actually finished execution --- than report the average kernel time, i.e., divide by the loop count.

Please submit:

  • your program named together with a Makefile for it.

  • your report, which should contain:

    • whether it validates (and what epsilon have you used for validating the CPU to GPU results)

    • the code of your CUDA kernel together with how it was called, including the code for the computation of the grid and block sizes.

    • the array length for which you observed maximal throughput

    • the memory throughput of your CUDA implementation (GB/sec) for that length and for the initial length (753411). In case you are not running on the dedicated servers, please also report the peak memory bandwidth of your GPU hardware.

Important Observation: a very similar task is discussed in the slides of the first Lab, i.e., the github folder HelperCode/Lab-1-Cuda contains a very naive CUDA implementation for multiplying with two each element of an array, but which works for arrays smaller than 1025 elements. The code in the slides generalizes the implementation to work correctly for arbitrary sizes. (The code in HelperCode/Lab-1-Cuda already has time instrumentation and validation; you may definitely take inspiration from there.)

Task 4: Flat Sparse-Matrix Vector Multiplication in Futhark (2pts)

This task refers to writing a flat-parallel version of sparse-matrix vector multiplication in Futhark. Take a look at Section 3.2.4 "Sparse-Matrix Vector Multiplication" in lecture notes, page 40-41 (and potentially also at rewrite rule 5 in Section 4.1.6 "Flattening a Reduce Directly Nested in a Map" in lecture notes). The sequential version of the code is attached as spMVmult-seq.fut, can be compiled with futhark c spMVmult-seq.fut and run with

$ futhark test --backend=c spMVmult-seq.fut

$ futhark c spMVmult-seq.fut

$ futhark dataset --i64-bounds=0:9999 -g [1000000]i64 --f32-bounds=-7.0:7.0 -g [1000000]f32 --i64-bounds=100:100 -g [10000]i64 --f32-bounds=-10.0:10.0 -g [10000]f32 | ./spMVmult-seq -t /dev/stderr -r 10 -n

-t /dev/stderr means display the runtime at stderr, -r 10 means run it 10 times and -n means don’t display the output. (To see the output don’t use -n.)

However, your task is to fill in a flat-parallel implementation in file spMVmult-flat.fut, function spMatVctMult, which currently contains a dummy implementation. Add at least one more standard reference input/output dataset to the source file and measure speedup with respect to the sequential version. The parallel version, once implemented can be tested with

$ futhark test --backend=cuda spMVmult-flat.fut

and bigger datasets can be generated and run with something like:

$ futhark cuda spMVmult-flat.fut

$ futhark dataset --i64-bounds=0:9999 -g [1000000]i64 --f32-bounds=-7.0:7.0 -g [1000000]f32 --i64-bounds=100:100 -g [10000]i64 --f32-bounds=-10.0:10.0 -g [10000]f32 | ./spMVmult-flat -t /dev/stderr -r 10 > /dev/null

The former command will create (see also main function in file spMVmult-flat.fut):

  • the sparse matrix corresponding to the mat_inds and mat_vals flat arrays of length one million elements consisting of indices in the [0…​9999] range and float values in [-7.0, 7.0] range, respectively,

  • the shape array shp of length ten thousands having all values equal to one hundred,

  • the vector vct of length ten thousands --- which fits the indices stored in mat_inds.

  • hence the dense array would have size 10000 x 10000 but it is sparse, so each row contains only 100 non-zero elements. Of course, your implementation should work with irregular matrices, i.e., in which rows have different length of non-zero elements.

One of the necessary steps for fulfilling the task is to compute the flag array for a given shape array. For simplicity you may assume that all the entries of the shape array have values greater than zero, i.e., no empty rows. If you cannot figure it out how to compute the flag array you may use the mkFlagArray function, which is shown in lecture notes, chapter 4 (page 48) and is also implemented in Futhark in HelperCode/Lect-2-Flat/mk-flag-array.fut.

However, please keep in mind that Futhark is using sized types, hence you might need to (dynamically) cast the array obtained by mkFlagArray to the expected size/length with the :> operator. For example, if xs0 is an array of single-precision floats (f32), and you know that its size should be n then writing something like let xs = xs0 :> [n]f32 will create an aliased array xs which the compiler knows to be of type [n]f32.

Please submit:

  • the spMVmult-flat.fut file once implemented and tested.

  • In the written (text) report add:

    • the flat-parallel implementation of the spMatVctMult function and a short explanation of what each line is doing.

    • the speedup of your accelerated version in comparison with spMVmult-seq.fut on some large enough dataset.