Framework rules
load("@rules_ios//rules:framework.bzl", "apple_framework_packaging") apple_framework_packaging(name, deps, data, bundle_extension, bundle_id, environment_plist, exported_symbols_lists, framework_name, frameworks, infoplists, library_linkopts, link_dynamic, minimum_deployment_os_version, minimum_os_version, platform_type, platforms, private_deps, skip_packaging, stamp, transitive_deps, vfs)
Packages compiled code into an Apple .framework package
Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
name | A unique name for this target. | Name | required | |
deps | Objc or Swift rules to be packed by the framework rule | List of labels | required | |
data | Objc or Swift rules to be packed by the framework rule | List of labels | optional | [] |
bundle_extension | The extension of the bundle, defaults to "framework". | String | optional | "framework" |
bundle_id | The bundle identifier of the framework. Currently unused. | String | optional | "" |
environment_plist | An executable file referencing the environment_plist tool. Used to merge infoplists. See | Label | optional | None |
exported_symbols_lists | - | List of labels | optional | [] |
framework_name | Name of the framework, usually the same as the module name | String | required | |
frameworks | A list of framework targets (see ios_framework ) that this target depends on. |
List of labels | optional | [] |
infoplists | The infoplists for the framework | List of labels | optional | [] |
library_linkopts | Internal - A list of strings representing extra flags that are passed to the linker for the underlying library. | List of strings | optional | [] |
link_dynamic | Weather or not if this framework is dynamic The default behavior bakes this into the top level app. When false, it's statically linked. |
Boolean | optional | False |
minimum_deployment_os_version | The bundle identifier of the framework. Currently unused. | String | optional | "" |
minimum_os_version | Internal - currently rules_ios the dict platforms |
String | optional | "" |
platform_type | Internal - currently rules_ios uses the dict platforms |
String | optional | "" |
platforms | A dictionary of platform names to minimum deployment targets. If not given, the framework will be built for the platform it inherits from the target that uses the framework as a dependency. | Dictionary: String -> String | optional | {} |
private_deps | Objc or Swift private rules to be packed by the framework rule | List of labels | optional | [] |
skip_packaging | Parts of the framework packaging process to be skipped. Valid values are: - "binary" - "modulemap" - "header" - "infoplist" - "private_header" - "swiftmodule" - "swiftdoc" | List of strings | optional | [] |
stamp | - | Integer | optional | 0 |
transitive_deps | Deps of the deps | List of labels | required | |
vfs | Additional VFS for the framework to export | List of labels | optional | [] |
load("@rules_ios//rules:framework.bzl", "apple_framework") apple_framework(name, apple_library, infoplists, infoplists_by_build_setting, xcconfig, xcconfig_by_build_setting, kwargs)
Builds and packages an Apple framework.