##Score Composition
There is a short story behind the piece which I will describe here:
At first there is a sound of a helicoptor fading in and after that you can hear the sound of a woman's shoes on a wooden surface. She slowly stops and a motorcycle approaches and accelerates. Suddenly, you hear the sound of police cars chasing some outlaws and at the end, the love story music is played and the story ends.
I appreciate the story line for this piece. I definitely was following it as I was listening to the recording.
Added Modules:
MIDI CV module generates midi notes by pressing their corresponding keys on the keyboard.
VCO-1 can be used as an oscillator which can generate sine, triangle, saw and square waveforms. Here, we used its saw output.
ADSR is used as an Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release generator, which can open and shut down a contour as a response to a gate input.
Recording Process:
At first, to generate the helicopter's song you should set the Res knob in the VCF to a little elow the middle point. and try to slightly increase the frequency on LFO-1.
I thought it wasn't working, but it turns out that there are two VCFs.
By alternating between 0 and 180 degrees in LFO-1, you can generate the shoe sound.
I didn't hear the footsteps sounds at first, but I realized that it was actually the clipping of the generated noise rather than the noise itself.
Again, back to the Frequency knob, increase it to make the sound of the motorcycle. Set the frequency to the middle point and then increase the RES knob to generate the police alarm sound.
I think what's missing in the recording is the sound representing the outlaws so that we can hear that they are indeed being chased by the police.
Then return RES to the middle point, and start playing with keyboard to generate the MIDI notes of Love Story song.
Why is there a love story theme? Is it because the woman's partner is an outlaw and the outlaw is running away? Is the love story song a sad song because the couple can't be together?
I enjoyed! Playing with the MIDI keyboard is great fun.
Notes played:
7 w w 7 7 w w 7 7 w 3 w q q q y y q q y y q w q j j j t t j j t t j q j n n n 5 5 t y 3 w
Perhaps, it would have been interesting to see these "notes" laid out on a sheet music or something that resembles it.
Moving forward, I think I'll keep the MIDI and remove everything else, or at least move away from this score just because I'd like to have more noise but also probably experimenting with samples again.