##Alexandria Installation Instructions
####1-step Alexandria browser install: Download, unzip and launch the latest build
It can be downloaded by clicking on your OS: Mac OSX | [Windows] (https://slack-files.com/T0457K60S-F08DQTGBD-e57ded6f83) | [Linux-64] (https://slack-files.com/T0457K60S-F08DQMFHD-f9bc2887db)
Unzip it to extract Alexandria
Double-click Alexandria
####That's it, that's all you have to do to browse and view content on the library. If you want to do so in an entirely p2p manner, or if you want to publish or send tips with comments, please continue on.
####To send comments w/ tips You need to install the Florincoin wallet and enable RPC access - mac osx instructions | windows instructions | linux-64 instructions
####To publish to the Library
- In addition to following the steps above to install Florincoin and enable RPC access, you'll also need to install and setup IPFS - instructions
- and install and setup the Alexandria Library Daemon (libraryd) - mac osx instructions | linux-64 instructions