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133 lines (90 loc) · 7.21 KB

本项目基于 PIME 移植原苹果 Mac 系统上 哈利路亚英文输入法 到 Windows 平台上。


Platform:windows github actions Build status

哈利路亚英文输入法 是一款智能英语输入法。其特性如下:

  1. 离线词库较大较全,词频精准。参见 Google's 1/3 million most frequent English words.
  2. 内置拼写校正功能。不用担心拼写错误,能记住大概字形、发音,本输入法就会自动显示最可能的候选词。
  3. 即时翻译功能(显示音标,及英文单词的中文释义)。
  4. 支持按拼音来输出对应英文。如输入suanfa,输入法会候选词中会显示 algorithm
  5. 支持按英文单词的模糊音来输入。 如输入 kerrage 可以得到 courage 候选词,也可以输入 aosome 或者 ausome 来得 awesome 候选词。
  6. 具备 Text-Expander 功能。 本输入法会自动读取定义在用户目录下的C:\Users\<user>\hallelujah.json 文件,你可以定义自己常用的词组,比如 {"yem":"you expand me"},那么当输入 yem 时会显示 you expand me
  7. 选词方式:数字键 1~9 及 Enter 回车键和 Space 空格键均可选词提交。Space 空格键选词默认会自动附加一个空格在单词后面。Enter 回车键选词则不会附加空格。



  • 要允许 C:\Program Files (x86)\PIME\PIMELauncher.exe 这个程序开机自启动,它是PIME守护进程。

Build and compile with Visual Studio 2019

  1. 安装 cmake(tested with cmake version 3.25.0-rc2
  2. 项目根目录下执行 ./build.bat
  3. 使用 NSIS 构建 install exe 文件:
    1. Compile NSI scripts
    2. File -> Load script... -> installer/installer.nsi
  4. CI 构建可参考 appveyor.yml

更好的 IPC 架構


开发(reload ime service)

参考: EasyIME#50 已经安装的输入法,如果需要修改生效,则结束 node 或者 python 进程即可,会自动重启新进程(在任务管理器在可以查看进程的 pid 发生了变化)。

Log 日志(win 11 中可以搜索 %AppData% 快速定位到)


pip install packages

  • I use Python 3.11.1
  • python/python3/virtualenv/Scripts/python.exe -m pip install -U pyphonetics
  • python/python3/virtualenv/Scripts/python.exe -m pip freeze > requirements.txt
  • python/python3/virtualenv/Scripts/python.exe -m pip install -r requirements.txt

以下为 PIME 原项目文档

Implement input methods easily for Windows via Text Services Framework:

  • LibIME contains a library which aims to be a simple wrapper for Windows Text Service Framework (TSF).
  • PIMETextService contains an backbone implementation of Windows text service for using libIME.
  • The python server part requires python 3.x and pywin32 package.

All parts are licensed under GNU LGPL v2.1 license.


Tool Requirements

How to Build

  • Get source from github.

    git clone
    cd PIME
    git submodule update --init
  • Use the following CMake commands to generate Visual Studio project.

    cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 <path to PIME source folder>
    cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 <path to PIME source folder>
  • Open generated project with Visual Studio and build it.

TSF References

Windows ACL (Access Control List) references


  • Copy PIMETextService.dll to C:\Program Files (X86)\PIME\x86.

  • Copy PIMETextService.dll to C:\Program Files (X86)\PIME\x64.

  • Copy the folder python to C:\Program Files (X86)\PIME\

  • Copy the folder node to C:\Program Files (X86)\PIME\

  • Use regsvr32 to register PIMETextService.dll. 64-bit system need to register both 32-bit and 64-bit PIMETextService.dll

    regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (X86)\PIME\x86\PIMETextService.dll" (run as administrator)
    regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (X86)\PIME\x64\PIMETextService.dll" (run as administrator)
  • NOTICE: the regsvr32 command needs to be run as Administrator. Otherwise you'll get access denied error.

  • In Windows 8, if you put the dlls in places other than C:\Windows or C:\Program Files, they will not be accessible in metro apps.


  • Use regsvr32 to unregister PIMETextService.dll. 64-bit system need to unregister both 32-bit and 64-bit PIMETextService.dll

    regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files (X86)\PIME\x86\PIMETextService.dll" (run as administrator)
    regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files (X86)\PIME\x64\PIMETextService.dll" (run as administrator)
  • Remove C:\Program Files (X86)\PIME

  • NOTICE: the regsvr32 command needs to be run as Administrator. Otherwise you'll get access denied error.

Bug Report

Please report any issue to here.