Releases: donishadsmith/neurocaps
Releases · donishadsmith/neurocaps
♻ Changed
- For
sorts the run keys lexicographically so that subjects that don't have the earliest run-id in the
first dictionary due to not having that run or the run being excluded still have ordered run keys in the merged
💻 Metadata
- Updates
parameters type hints so that it is known that strings can be used to0.
- Entails some code cleaning and verification to ensure that the code cleaned for clarity purposes produces the same
🚀 New/Added
- Davies Bouldin and Variance Ratio (Calinski Harabasz) added
♻ Changed
- For
if performing an analysis on groups where each group has a different number of CAPs, then for "temporal_fraction",
"persistence", and "counts", "nan" values will be seen for CAP numbers that exceed the group's number of CAPs.- For instance, if group "A" has 2 CAPs but group "B" has 4 CAPs, the DataFrame will contain columns for CAP-1,
CAP-2, CAP-3, and CAP-4. However, for all members in group "A", CAP-3 and CAP-4 will contain "nan" values to
indicate that these CAPs are not applicable to the group. This differentiation helps distinguish between CAPs
that are not applicable to the group and CAPs that are applicable but had zero instances for a specific member.
- For instance, if group "A" has 2 CAPs but group "B" has 4 CAPs, the DataFrame will contain columns for CAP-1,
🐛 Fixes
- Adds error earlier when tr is not specified or able to be retrieved form the bold metadata when the condition is specified
instead of allowing the pipeline to produce this error later. - Fixed issue with
showing figure when set to False.
♻ Changed
- With parallel processing, joblib outputs are now returned as a generator as opposed to the default, which is a list,
to reduce memory usage
♻ Changed
- Changed how ids are organized in respective group when initializing the
class. In version 0.11.1, the ids are
sorted lexicographically:
self._groups[group] = sorted(list(set(self._groups[group])))
This doesn't affect functionality but it may be better to respect the original user ordering.This is no longer the case.
🐛 Fixes
- Fix for python 3.12 when using
.- Changes in in Python 3.12 results in an error message format change. The error message now includes
quotes (e.g., "not 'Nifti1Image'") instead of the previous format without quotes ("not Nifti1Image"). This issue
arises when usingneuromaps.transforms.mni_to_fslr
within CAP.caps2surf() as neuromaps captures the error as a
string and checks if "not Nifti1Image" is in the string to determine if the input is a NifTI image. As a patch,
if the error occurs, a temporary .nii.gz file is created, the statistical image is saved to this file, and it is
used as input for neuromaps.transforms.mni_to_fslr. The temporary file is deleted after use. Below is the code
implementing this fix.
- Changes in in Python 3.12 results in an error message format change. The error message now includes
# Fix for python 3.12, saving stat_map so that it is path instead of a NifTI
gii_lh, gii_rh = mni152_to_fslr(stat_map, method=method, fslr_density=fslr_density)
except TypeError:
# Create temp
temp_nifti = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".nii.gz")
Error potentially due to change in in python 3.12 causing the error
message to output as "not 'Nifti1Image'" instead of "not Nifti1Image", which
neuromaps uses to determine if the input is a Nifti1Image object.
Converting stat_map into a temporary nii.gz file (which will be automatically
deleted afterwards) at {}
# Ensure file is closed
# Save temporary nifti to temp file,
gii_lh, gii_rh = mni152_to_fslr(, method=method, fslr_density=fslr_density)
# Delete
- Final patch is for strings in triple quotes. The standard textwrap module is used to remove the indentations at each
new line.
🚀 New/Added
- Added new function
to make it easier to change the dtypes of each subject's numpy array to assist with
memory usage, especially if doing the CAPs analysis on a local machine. - Added new parameters -
, andreturn_dict
standardizeto save dictionary, the
return_dict` defaults to True. - Adds a new version attribute so you can check the current version using
♻ Changed
- Adds back python 3.12 classifier. The
function may still not work well but if its detected that
neurocaps is being installed using python 3.12, setuptools is installed to prevent the pkgresources error.
🐛 Fixes
- Minor fix for
parameter inmerge_dicts
. If user does not supply afile_name
when saving the dictionary,
it will provide a default file_name now instead of producing a Nonetype error.
💻 Metadata
- Minor docstrings revisions, mostly to the typehint for
Versioning Notice
Affected Versions: 1.0.0 through 1.0.0.post4
Due to a versioning mistake, versions 1.0.0 through 1.0.0.post4 were released in error. These versions have now been
removed from pypi. The correct versioning was intended to be incremented from 0.9.9 to 0.10.0.
All changes and fixes from the erroneous versions have been included in version 0.10.0, along with some additional
Please use version 0.10.0 or later:
pip install neurocaps==0.10.0
For local installations, you may need to run:
pip uninstall neurocaps
pip install -e .
[0.10.0] - 2024-06-17
🚀 New/Added
class as acosine_similarity
property and inCAP.caps2radar
, there is now aas_html
parameter to save
plotly's radar plots as an html file instead of a static png. The html files can be opened in a browser and saved as a
png from the browser. Most importantly, they are interactive. - new to [0.10.0]- Made another internal attribute in CAP
a property and setter. This property acts as a lookup
table. As a setter, it can be used to modify the table to use another subject dictionary with different subjects
not used to generate the k-means model. - Can now plot silhouette score and have some control over the
of elbow and silhouette plot with the "step"**kwarg
♻ Changed
- Default for
from "outer product" to "outer_product". - Default for
from "temporal fraction" to "temporal_fraction" and "transition frequency"
to "transition_frequency". n_clusters
parameters moved toCAP.get_caps
instead of being parameters in
🐛 Fixes
- Restriction that numpy must be less than version 2 since this breaks brainspace vtk, which is needed for plotting to
surface space. - new to [0.10.0] - Adds nbformat as dependency for plotly. - new to [0.10.0]
- In
, several checks are done to ensure that subjects have the necessary files for
extraction. Subjects that have zero nifti, confound files (if confounds requested), event files (if requested), etc
are automatically eliminated from being added to the list for timeseries extraction. A final check assesses, the run
ID of the files to see if the subject has at least one run with all necessary files to avoid having subjects with all
the necessary files needed but all are from different runs. This is most likely a rare occurrence but it is better to be
safer to ensure that even a rare occurrence doesn't result in a crash. The continue statement that skips the subject
only worked if no condition was specified. - Removes in-place operations when standardizing to avoid numpy casting issues due to incompatible dtypes.
- Additional deep copy such as deep copying any setter properties to ensure external changes does not result internal
changes. - Some important fixes were left out of the original version.
- These fixes includes:
- Removal of the
parameter inself.get_caps
and replacement withstd[std < np.finfo(np.float64).eps] = 1.0
to prevent divide by 0 issues and numerical instability issues. - Deep copy
. In their functions, in-place operations
are performed which could unintentionally change the external versions of these parameters
- Removal of the
- These fixes includes:
- Added try-except block in
when attempting to obtain thetr
, to issue a warning
isn't specified and can't be extracted from BOLD metadata. Extraction will be continued. - Fixed error when using
method without multiprocessing where the function called the elbow method instead
of the silhouette method. This error affects versions 0.9.6 to 0.9.9. - Fix some file names of output by adding underscores for spaces in group names.