These notes will be published publicly
DWeb Camp Open Dialogue calls are a space for you to ask us logistical questions, bounce your project ideas off of us (and each other!), and maybe even find other collaborators to work on a project.
- Mai, People's Open
- James
- Jeff
- Mark, Internet Archive
- Rex
- Wendy, Internet Archive
- Ajay
- Margaret
- Seth, People's Open
- Dylan, Film Maker
- Rebecca
- Ben
- Mark N
- George
- Documentation of the event
- Photography, recordings, documentation, interpretive dance
- Wendy: Photography + writers + audio blogging + film makers, professional reporters will be around
- Mai: Space Steward to coordinate spaces, will also delegate tasks such as note taking
- dweb-camp-2019/projects#29
- Is there a communication plan?
- Brand identity DWeb Global
- A Website Built by Many: Launching DWeb Global Together by Iryna Nezhynska
- Brand identity DWeb Global
- Photography, recordings, documentation, interpretive dance
- Wendy: what are you sharing?
- James:
- Rabble:
- Want to get context spacing
- Discussion about decentralized values, is it better than centralized systems
- Engage to discuss how to avoid creating new negative patterns
- Mark: If something unanticipated comes up what do we do?
- Margaret: Value framing, capitalist mindset, scarcity, go down in the human stack to explore these alternatives
- Collaborative art: overcome fears, encourage to push outside of comfort zone
- Rabble: how we build it matters!
- George: a way of looking at information as living thing, conception of computations, cybernetics
- Mai: not putting people or projects on a pedestal, technology and relationships are not polished, always reexamining
- Rebecca: determine which of the small groups to participate in
- Wendy: part pre-determined projects and part open space
- Ben: SCHED for pre-programs, and works offline on mobile, no registration req'd
- Mark N: Throw ad-hoc programming + hallway convo gatherings onto GUN app
- Ajay: Can help with SCHED!
- Dylan: documentaries, been talking with many DWeb Camp people
- Want to focus on the why not just the what and the how
- Need trashy++ 90's magazines for a game at Camp!
- Wendy: connect you with someone
- Seth: learn about the p2p tech and perhaps use in Oakland (People's Open)
- Want to hear more about why
- People's Open
- George: Follow up meetings?
- As an org we are a non-profit with a huge Board
- Intentional & experimental (how we make decisions together and compensate people's for their time)
- Need to get into mindset of getting paid! How money can work in these systems (e.g. SSBC, Enspiral)
- How we communicate, valuate types of labour, building networks is about relationships
- Rabble: liking the conversation about the economics (platform coop / dweb trying to solve the same problems)
- Mark: 2 models
- Scientific conferences publishing books
- Affinity Groups (people join with shared value groups before they come) so people can meaningfully engage
- Ben: Chats and GitHub available to build Affinity Groups
- Rex: Bringing a personality test he wrote
- Jeff: First day doing hackathons, believe in this project very much!
- Ajay: last time at a tech job was a decade ago... want to reconnect to this revolutionary ecosystem of "tech for good"
- The process is the outcome (quote from somewhere)
- Things to bring
- Watch Totoro & Spirited Away
- Dress up?