- Economic Indicators
- Unemployment Rate
- Inflation Rate
- House Prices
- Demographic Data
- Average population
- Population Growth Rate
- Median Age
- Number of Deaths Per Year
- Quality of Living
- Housing Affordability (Rent-to-Income Ratio)
- Healthcare Accessibility and Quality Index
- Public Transport Quality (index or satisfaction score)
- Cost of Living Index
- Overall Quality of Life Index (e.g., Eurostat aggregate measures)
- Social Indicators
- Life Expectancy
- Education Levels (% with higher education)
- Employment by Sector (Agriculture, Industry, Services)
- Internet Penetration Rate (%)
- Environmental Data
- CO₂ Emissions per capita
- Renewable Energy Share (%)
- Waste Recycling Rate (%)
- Air Quality Index (AQI)
- Violence and Safety
- Crime Rate (per 100,000 people)
- Homicide Rate (per 100,000 people)
- Perceived Safety Index (subjective measure)
- Violence Against Women (% of population reporting)
- Terrorism or Political Violence Incidents (if relevant)