Installs the ACS/Stackrox Operator, configures a Central instance and a SecuredCluster. Uses a Job for initialization work. Set --set verbose=true
to see verbose job logs.
helm upgrade --install stackrox . --namespace do500 --debug
You can watch the logs of the init job:
stern -n stackrox configure-stackrox-
StackRox WebUI credentials (user is "admin")
# get web url
echo https://$(oc -n stackrox get route central --template='{{ }}')
# get credentials
echo $(oc -n stackrox get secret central-htpasswd -o go-template='{{index .data "password" | base64decode}}')
Stores the Admin API Token created whilst creating the SecuredCluster in a secret for later use
ROX_API_TOKEN=$(oc -n stackrox get secret rox-api-token-do500 -o go-template='{{index .data "token" | base64decode}}')