We may define Time to Live for Messages. This way if Message will not be handled within specific amount of time, it will be automatically discarded.
This is useful in scenarios like sending notifications, where given notification like One Time Password may actually have meaning only for 5 minutes.
You may delay handling given asynchronous message by adding #[Delayed]
#[TimeToLive(new TimeSpan(seconds: 50))]
#[EventHandler(endpointId: "welcomeEmail")]
public function sendWelcomeNotificationWhen(UserWasRegistered $event): void
// handle welcome notification
To dynamically calculate expected TTL, we can use expression language.
#[TimeToLive(expression: 'headers["expirationTime"]']
#[EventHandler(endpointId: "welcomeEmail")]
public function sendWelcomeNotificationWhen(UserWasRegistered $event): void
// handle welcome notification
{% hint style="success" %}
payload variable in expression language will hold Command/Event object.
headers variable will hold all related Mesage Headers.
{% endhint %}
We could also access any object from our Dependency Container, in order to calculate the delay and pass there our Command:
#[Delayed(expression: 'reference("delayService").calculate(payload)']
#[EventHandler(endpointId: "welcomeEmail")]
public function sendWelcomeNotificationWhen(UserWasRegistered $event): void
We may send an Message and tell Ecotone to delay it using deliveryDelay Message Header:
metadata: ["timeToLive" => new TimeSpan(minutes: 5)]
{% hint style="info" %} Asynchronous Message Channel need to support this option to be used {% endhint %}