This machine is dedicated to pushing URLs we wish to monitor into the Internet Archive on a regular basis. It works by automating the archive’s “Save Page Now” (SPN) feature via wayback-spn-client.
At current, we save URLs from three lists:
List of all the actual pages in NCA 2018missing-from-ia.txt
List of URLs Web Monitoring analysts actively monitor (i.e. that are in our database) but that Wayback is not actively monitoring every day for us. @Mr0grog manually updates this file frequently based on our IA healtcheck script’s output.earthjustice-tsca-echa.txt
List of ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) pages related to EPA’s TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) planning. This list was originally based off research by partners at Earthjustice.
This was initially an experiment to see if we could streamline the process of ensuring Wayback is archiving pages we care about, which used to be:
Analyst [Team Lead]
→ Slacks @Mr0grog
→ Slacks/E-mails Wayback Folks (and maybe gets a little bit of a
runaround when this task has been handed off to someone else
over there)
→ Someday a Wayback Engineer adds it to the config for the
crawler doing our work.
…And to make ourselves less vulnerable to breakage on the machine that is doing our archiving over at the Internet Archive (which has fallen over a few times and is why we have this health check script).
This code runs on a very simple AWS EC2 machine:
- Name:
- Image/OS: Ubuntu 18.04
- Instance Type: t2.small
- EBS Volumes: Just a the default 8GB volume
Scheduling is controlled by cron
, which is configured with the contents of crontab
The layout of this machine is extremely simple (probably unsafely simple). It’s an Ubuntu machine and the default user is the only user we use. It uses cron
to trigger scripts to save pages with SPN.
It has the following file layout:
├── Information about this machine
├── Script to save URLs listed in a .txt file
├── earthjustice-tsca-echa.txt List of ECHA pages we track related to TSCA
├── missing-from-ia.txt List of pages we track but that Wayback is not automatically tracking for us right now
├── nca-2018-documents.txt List of documents (pages, PDFs, excel files) in NCA 2018
├── nca-2018-resources.txt List of all URLs (resources) in NCA 2018
├── partner-urls.txt List of pages we track for other, non-environment partners
└── wayback-spn-client Git clone of
It requires two major dependencies:
- The Node.js install on the system is managed by NVM (we should probably switch to Nodenv).
- Chrome is installed according to the “installing chrome” section below.
Installing the dependencies of wayback-spn-client
via npm install
should install Chrome, but it won't necessarily grab all of Chrome's dependencies. To install Chrome via APT:
Download and install Google's signing key:
> curl '' -O
> sudo apt-key add
Add Google Chrome sources to APT:
> echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list
Install Chrome and its dependencies:
# Tack `--no-install-recommends` onto the end of this for a minimal setup
> apt-get install -y google-chrome-unstable fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-wqy-zenhei fonts-thai-tlwg fonts-kacst ttf-freefont
Export an env var to make sure wayback-spn-client
uses this install of Chrome (not actually required now that we have all the right system dependencies):
> export $PUPPETEER_CHROMIUM_EXECUTABLE='google-chrome-unstable'
- Develop an automated process for building/deploying this machine.
- Switch to using SPN v2 (in beta). @Mr0grog has some half-finished scripts for this.
- Build a more comprehensive list of things in
rather than updating it piecemeal based on daily healthcheck results. - Give Wayback team an updated list of all our URLs and use this less heavily? (On the other hand, maintaining the list here has taught @Mr0grog a lot about the issues with and genesis of the current list of URLs we track, and there’s a lot that can/should be cleaned out/updated. It’d lovely to do that before updating the Wayback team.)
- Log management—at a minimum, we should really have some kind of log rotation set up. Alternatively/in addition, ship them to a service.