A collection of traits for interacting with Celestia data availability nodes RPC.
This crate builds on top of the jsonrpsee
use celestia_rpc::{BlobClient, Client, TxConfig};
use celestia_types::{AppVersion, Blob, nmt::Namespace};
async fn submit_blob() {
// create a client to the celestia node
let token = std::env::var("CELESTIA_NODE_AUTH_TOKEN").expect("Token not provided");
let client = Client::new("ws://localhost:36658", Some(&token))
.expect("Failed creating rpc client");
// create a blob that you want to submit
let my_namespace = Namespace::new_v0(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).expect("Invalid namespace");
let blob = Blob::new(my_namespace, b"some data to store on blockchain".to_vec(), AppVersion::V2)
.expect("Failed to create a blob");
// submit it
client.blob_submit(&[blob], TxConfig::default())
.expect("Failed submitting the blob");