The journey starts with this Joe Amstrong tals where he references:
2 papers:
- Algorithms + Data Strucutres = Programms
- The mythical man-month
- How to win freinds and influence people
projects & ideas to lookup:
- Project Xanadu
- linda tuple space
- Sonic Pi
- tiddlywiki
In his talk Alan Kay point to this book: the art of the metaobject protocole
A talk by Sussman on ways to explore new ways of computing Video. Touches on automatic differentiation.
Lisp Stuff: The most beautiful program ever written
Mariana Mazzucato Has Reinvigorated The Most Important Battle In Economics
Covid 19 ioannidis vs taleb argument with Ioannidis arguments and Taleb arguments
Paper by Taleb to go further: On the Statistical Differences between Binary Forecasts and Real World Payoffs