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Before running the test, install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Also before running the tests, install the browser driver the PATH.

Acceptance Tests

The atest directory contains everything needed to run SeleniumLibrary acceptance tests with Robot Framework. This includes:

  • Acceptance tests written with Robot Framework under acceptance directory.
  • A very simple which is used to serve the html for tests in resources/testserver.
  • A collection of simple html files under resources/html directory.
  • Start-up scripts for executing the unit and acceptance tests:

To run unit and acceptance tests, run:

python atest/ <browser>

Acceptance tests are executed using Robot Framework and results verified automatically afterwards using robotstatuschecker tool. Please visit robotstatuschecker for more details how the tool can be used. Notice that initially some tests fail.

Running test with different interpreter

By default the interpreter is set to python and it depends on the operating system settings, which python is used by default. It is possible to run test by using different interpreter by using the --interpreter command line argument.

Running test with Selenium Grid

It is possible to run test by using Selenium Grid if keywords contains some grid specific implementation. Running test Selenium Grid requires that latest released selenium-server-standalone-*.jar is downloaded in the project root and Java is installed. The will start and stop Selenium servers automatically. The testing with Selenium Grid can done by using --grid true argument. In some cases Selenium Grid adds some extra logging and causes test to fail when robotstatuschecker is used. In this case, these test should be tagged with NoGrid tag to exclude the test when Selenium Grid is being used. Also there might be need write test that are only run when Selenium Grid is used. Then in this case, test should be tagged with OnlyGrid tag to include them only when Selenium Grid is used.

Robot Framework command line arguments

It is possible to pass Robot Framework command line arguments to the test execution as last arguments to the command. It is recommended to use arguments to select required suite or test for the execution when developing new functionality for the library. Example like --test, --suite, --include and --exclude.


Examples: chrome --interpreter c:\Python38\python.exe firefox --suite javascript headlesschrome --nounit --grid true --interpreter "py -2" chrome --suite javascript

To run just the unit tests, run:

python utest/

To full list of options run:

python atest/ --help

Travis CI integration

Travis CI is used to automatically test all new pull request to the repository. The detailed information about execution matrix can be found from the .travis.yam. Generally speaking the test are automatically run by using Chrome browser and by using supported Python and Robot Framework versions. But in Travis only the latest released Selenium version is used.