This document lists all the various products/tools used in Pipeline Service along with their current versions. We also use this document to track the evolution of the products/tools as and when they are upgraded.
Component | Version | Purpose | Comments |
OpenShift | 4.11 | Platform | Upgrades to next versions 4.11 need to be tested and approved |
ovn-kubernetes Network Plugin | 0.3.0 | Prerequisite for enabling certain Network Policies | During the cluster creation, one needs to choose ovn-kubernetes as the network plugin (as opposed to OpenShift SDN) |
Tekton Pipelines | 0.37.4 | Managed by Operator | Controlled by OpenShift Pipelines Operator |
Tekton Triggers | 0.20.2 | Managed by Operator | Controller by OpenShift Pipelines Operator |
Pipelines as Code | 0.10.2 | Managed by Operator (future). Currently, manually installed | Upgrades to next versions need to be tested and approved |
Tekton Results | 0.4.0 | Modified version of Results installed and maintained by Pipeline Service | Upgrades to next versions need to be tested and approved |
Tekton Chains | :poc-tep-84@sha256:38e83e33b5f9561c5005870 a516362e219747f757662e948644fd425188db200 |
Modified version of Chains installed and maintained by Pipeline Service team | Custom version required until tektoncd/chains#436 is merged upstream |
kcp | v0.9.0 | Platform - acts as a control plane for Pipeline Service | Upgrades follow kcp-stable releases |
kind | 0.14.0 | For local development only | Spawns a Kubernetes-in-Docker clusters. No requirement to use a particular version. Users can install the latest version available at the time |
OpenShift GitOps | 1.6.0 | Prerequisite for managing the installation and lifecycle of components | OpenShift GitOps uses Argo CD (2.4.5) as the declarative GitOps engine |
Postgres | 2.3.5 | Installed and setup as part of Tekton Results installation | For development purposes (store tekton results). No requirement to use a particular version; users can install the latest version available at the time |
Amazon RDS | N/A | External DB for Tekton Results | For storing tekton results in an external database. No requirement to use a particular version. A specific configuration is required for connection and security purposes |
Component | Version | Purpose | Comments |
OpenShift Pipelines Operator | openshift-pipelines-operator-rh.v1.8.0 | ||
OpenShift Cert Manager | openshift-cert-manager.v1.7.1 | ||
OpenShift GitOps Operator | openshift-gitops-operator.v1.5.6 |
Component | Version | Purpose | Comments |
oc (OpenShift CLI) | 4.11 | To interact with the cluster | Follows OpenShift version |
kubectl | 1.24.x | To interact with the cluster | Follows kubernetes version which follows OpenShift version. We only need either oc or kubectl |
kcp plugin | 0.9.0 | To interact with the kcp workspace | Follows kcp api/server version |
tkn | 0.27.0 | To interact with tekton | |
tkn pac plugin | 0.10.0 | To set up PaC | Optional plugin for customers during the cluster setup phase. Follows PaC Version |
Argo CD (client) | 2.4.5 | To run Argo CD related commands | Follows version of argocd engine used in openshift gitops |
yq | 4.28.1 (>=4.18.1) | Required for parsing things; used in various scripts throughout the project | Certain features are not supported with versions < 4.18.1. Use Latest version to avoid any issues |
docker | 20.10.x | For local development only | Only one of docker or podman is required. No requirement to use a particular version; users can install the latest version available at the time |
podman | 4.0.0 | For local development only | Only one of docker or podman is required. No requirement to use a particular version; users can install the latest version available at the time |
openssl | 3.0.2 | To manipulate certificate information during cluster regsitration |