All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Provided an alternative way to provide access into course, by using a two factor authentication (2fa) code, after customer's purchase.
- Added support for Wordpress 6.1.1
- Refactor plugin's codebase
- Use your own custom css rules
- No support for Wordpress Site Editor
- Updated the readme file
- Added support for Wordpress 5.8 and PHP 7.4
- Fix category's filter in shortcode
- Fix a bug when the 12-hour format is used
- Improve password generation
- Fix checkbox filter on courses page
- Use the latest TalentLMS PHP wrapper
- Fix that respects db prefix on course re-sync action
- Update wording on course navigation button
- Fix double firstname whitespace sanitization
- Free courses upon order completion fix
- Payment gateway cancellation process fix
- Development functions prefixed.
- Metadata fix.
- A user should be able to purchase only one instance of a course.
- Drop plugin tables from the database when a user deletes the plugin
- Upgrade script bugfix
- Assets versioning
- Upgrade script
- Replace all course pictures, to big avatar
- Course list, shows only active courses that are visible on catalog.
- Improve re-sync functionality.
- Improve users enrollment on courses.
- Improve thank you page in order details list, go to course page link addition.
- TalentLMS widget addition.
- Bugfix on woocommerce checkout page, when trying to create a customer account.
- Bugfix on plugin activation.
- Remove deprecated signup page
- Improve domain/api key validation
- Provision for WooCommerce customer reset password
- Course format fix
- Setting domain/api key issue
- Woocommerce integration handle non talentlms products
- Provision for WooCommerce customer change password
- Handle existing not talentlms customers
- Error logs
- Woocommerce integration handle non talentlms products
- Handling of deleted products
- Removed deprecated shortcode [talentlms-signup]
- New improved version
- Better TalentLMS WooCommerce integration
- Removed obsolete features
- Fixed WooCommerce error handling
- Fixed notices
- Fixed issue when unsetting woocommerce user integration
- Fixed synced content
- Fixed warning in integrations page
- Do not show hidden from catalog courses in [talentlms-courses] shortcode
- Shortcodes correctly appear in content
- Fixed WooCommerce integration user details
- Fixed WooCommerce integration selecting courses
- Fixed error handling
- Registering users bug fix
- Shortcodes correctly appear in content
- Bug fix in forgot credentials form
- WooCommerce assign user to course (compatibility issue)
- WooCommerce assign user to course
- Updated WooCommerce integration options
- Login integration option
- Bug fixes for WooCommerce integration
- Various bug fixes
- Login redirection issue
- Login fixes
- Synced users get fixed password, their login
- Login redirects fixes (3)
- Login redirects fixes (2)
- Login redirects fixes
- Woocommerce integration, orders get autocompleted
- Login fixes
- Woocommerce integration, when admin marks order as complete user gets assigned to the course
- Latest version of TalentLMS lib
- Fixed TalentLMS wp_login wp_logout for widget
- Fixed TalentLMS sync passwords issue
- Fixed TalentLMS wp_login wp_logout
- Updated CDNs for jquery boostrap datatables
- Course list does not show inactive courses
- Fixed issue about redirect to after TalentLMS logout
- Fixed issue about redirect to TalentLMS after login
- Fixed issue about TalentLMS user login (wordpress authentication)
- Signup with WooCommerce, also signs up with TalentLMS
- Fixed issue about empty custom fields
- WooCommerce integration login
- WooCommerce integration no active/hidden from catalog courses
- Fixed subscriber permissions issue
- Minor bugfixes
- Minor bugfixes
- WooCommerce integration
- Minor bugfixes
- When redirected (logged in) to TalentLMS, new option on logout from TaletLMS behavior
- Section unit types
- New unit types integratd to plugin
- Various bug fixes
- Complete WordPress and TalentLMS signup integration
- Complete WordPress and TalentLMS login integration
- Redesigned course catalog and admin panel
- Subscriber panel in WordPress
- Avoid conflict with some themes
- Creating a TalentLMS user when a user signs up to WP full registration process
- Bugfix for option to create TalentLMS user when a user signs up to WP
- Option to create TalentLMS user when a user signs up to WP
- WP subscriber/TalentLMS user, WP/TalentLMS Profile
- jquery ui update
- New signup methods supported
- Edit TalentLMS CSS bug fixed
- Sync users bugs fixed
- Forgot login/pass bugs fixed
- New version of TalentLMSLib
- Signup issues fixed
- Forgot login/password checkboxes
- Forgot login/password bug fix
- More signup methods supported
- Bugfix in custom fields
- Bugfix in custom fields in signup page in case of multiple select custom fields
- Various typos fixed
- Fixes issue with conflicts with other WP plugin due to query strings
- New version of TalentLMS PHP library
- TalentLMS users shortcode
- Sync TalentLMS content with WP
- Building categories tree recursively. No longer depending to libxml PHP extension
- Plugin connects to TalentLMS domain map, if exists, instead of talentLMS domain
- Units in course, link to TalentLMS units (redirect without second login)
- CSS additions
- When purchasing a course, does not redirect to PayPal
- Single course view, unit urls when user is logged in.
- Users page which lists instructors and instructor details
- Customizable template for users page
- Upon plugin installation courses, users and signup WordPress page with shortcodes are created.
- Error messages of each TalentLMS API call
- Clean CSS rules defined for each TalentLMS element
- New version of TalentLMS API PHP library
- Tree like representation of TalentLMS categories
- Single course template options
- Courses list template options
- Course thumbnails static urls
- TalentLMS signup supports TalentLMS custom fields
- Content to WordPress pages is inserted in its relative position to shortcodes.
- Show instructors' names in single course page
- Certification kai Certification duration removed from course page
- TalentLMS CSS editor in Wordpress Administration Panel
- TalentLMS Option for customizition of TalentLMS Plugins
- Courses per page
- Templates for course page
- Action after signup
- Caching of TalentLMS data
- Login modal in single course page
- Users are prompted to buy TalentLMS course instead of just getting it
- Users can go to courses in TalentLMS
- Administration Panel for TalentLMS management
- Login to TalentLMS widget for Wordpress
- shortcode for signup page to TalentLMS
- shortcode for listing courses from TalentLMS
- Help tabs information
- Signup custom fields bug fix
- Various minor bugfixes
- Updated version of TalentLMS library
- Various minor/major bugfixes
- Users can buy categories
- When purchasing a course, does not redirect to PayPal fixed
Various security issues
Courses pagination does not include inactive or hidden from catalog courses
Mishandling of inactive and not-for-catalog courses Bottom pagination bug fix
Login fixed When logged in user first name/last name appear correctly Course prices appear correctly