All notable changes to erdemkeren/laravel-otp
will be documented in this file.
- Removes PHP 7 support
- Adds support for PHP 8
Renames the package as laravel-otp. Was temporary-access before.
- OtpController and Otp middleware are introduced
- Token generators are now password generators
- Token creation is now being handled by Encryptor implementations
- Repository pattern is not used anymore. Token persistence is a part of token itself
- retrieve -> retrieveByCipherText
- retrieveUsingPlainText -> retrieveByPlainText
- check -> check
- checkUsingPlainText -> none. Token should be retrieved and then checked like
- checkAndProlong -> none. Token should be retrieved and then extended like
- checkUsingPlainTextAndProlong -> none. Above usages applies as well
- generate -> create
- update -> none. Use token methods to modify token state (
etc.) - makeTokenFromPlainText -> no need anymore
- makeTokenFromEncryptedText -> no need anymore
- retrieveByAttributes -> no need anymore. But moved to `Token::retrieveByAttributes()
- delete -> will be implemented later. Not really needed since
does the job - deleteExpired -> will be implemented later
- Adds token generator options:
- String
- Numeric
- Numeric No 0 which is configurable from config file.
- Moves the token & generators and interfaces to a common directory and namespace.
- The code and token discrimination removed from the package. Plain text and encrypted text used instead.
- Totally separated token is now a part of access token.
- Interface names were changed after 1.0.0 but never released. This version includes new interface names.
- Most of the public service method signatures were changed due to removal of 'code'.
- First release of the package.