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App configuration

  module: media_lights_sync
  class: MediaLightsSync
  photo_attribute: entity_picture
  ha_url: !secret ha_url
  use_current_brightness: False
    entity: input_boolean.sync_tv_lights
    state: "on"
    - light.left_theatre_light
    - light.right_theatre_light
key optional type default description
module False string media_lights_sync The module name of the app.
class False string MediaLightsSync The name of the Class.
media_player False string The entity_id of the media player to sync from.
photo_attribute True string entity_picture The state attribute containing the url to the thumbnail. Examples: entity_picture, entity_picture_local.
ha_url True string None The URL to your Home Assistant. Only useful if photo_attribute is a relative URL1. Examples:,
use_current_brightness True string False Do not change lights brightness. If False, it will always sets all lights to maximum brightness.
condition True object Sync lights only if the state of the condition entity is valid.
condition.entity False string The entity_id of the condition.
condition.state False string The state to match in order for the lights to sync.
lights False list The list of all the lights entity_id to sync to.

1: See /developer-tools/state in your Home Assistant config for the valid attribute name of the thumbnail url of your media_player.