- Acme Prework
- writing some function to prepare for ACME projects merging a list of products and lineItems
- Express App with in memory data
- storing data as Javascript object
- using method override to delete data
- RESTFUL routes
- A list of products with link to product details
- Ability to delete a product on the detail page
- Express/PG App (no ORM)
- using pg node module
- A list of products with link to product details
- Ability to delete a product on the detail page
- Express ORM with ability to insert/delete
- using a single model in Sequelize
- insert and delete data
- A list of users with names
- Ability to create a user on the list page
- Acme Directory With Managers
- an employee needs an email and an employee can have a manager
- A List of Employees plus a form to add a new Employee
- Employee can be added with a manager
- Use global middleware to show total employee count and total manager count
- Use virtual methods for the name of the user and the email provider
- Acme Customers SPA
- use fetch api to list customers email
- customers can be created and deleted
- display email validation and unique errors
- Acme Users with Managers React
- two client side routes (one for all users and one for managers)
- no updating or deleting
- Acme CRUD with One Model Using React-Redux
- Acme CRUD with One Model Plus Other Functionality - Rating Users From a New Component
- Acme Category Products
- using two models
- focus on on redux store with normalization and leveraging mapStateToProps