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[{"en": "Madam President, on a point of order.\n", "events": {"1#-#8#0": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "100"]}, "es": "Se\u00f1ora Presidenta, una cuesti\u00f3n de orden.\n"}, {"en": "Madam President, on a point of order.\n", "events": {"1#-#8#0": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "100"]}, "es": "Se\u00f1ora Presidenta, una cuesti\u00f3n de orden.\n"}, {"en": "Madam President, I should like to know if there will be a clear message going out from Parliament this week about our discontent over today's decision refusing to renew the arms embargo on Indonesia, considering that the vast majority in this Parliament have endorsed the arms embargo in Indonesia in the past?\n", "events": {"1#-#6#0": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "080"], "5#-#6#10": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "080"], "-#21#14#4": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "080"], "5#-#6#1": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "080"], "5#-#6#100": [["---GOV"], ["---LEG"], "080"], "-#18#14#3": [["---GOV"], ["---LEG"], "080"]}, "es": "Se\u00f1ora Presidenta, me gustar\u00eda saber si el Parlamento emitir\u00e1 esta semana un comunicado claro sobre el descontento por la decisi\u00f3n de hoy de no renovar el embargo de armas a Indonesia, considerando que la inmensa mayor\u00eda de este Parlamento apoy\u00f3 en el pasado el embargo de armas a Indonesia.\n"}, {"en": "Madam President, I would like to make it very clear that, above all, the Commission has absolute respect for the decisions of this Parliament and, amongst those, the decision establishing its agenda.\n", "events": {"-#17#11#1": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "080"], "-#12#11#0": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "080"], "-#14#11#2": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "080"]}, "es": ". Se\u00f1ora Presidenta, quiero dejar muy claro que, ante todo, la Comisi\u00f3n tiene el m\u00e1ximo respeto por las decisiones de este Parlamento y, entre ellas, la de establecer su orden del d\u00eda.\n"}, {"en": "Madam President, I can hear a ripple of laughter from the Socialists.\n", "events": {"1#-#5#0": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "180"]}, "es": "Se\u00f1ora Presidenta, escucho algunas risas entre los socialistas.\n"}, {"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, I should first like to congratulate Mr Koch on his reports which, though technical, are nonetheless of very great significance for safety.\n", "events": {"4#12#11#1": [["---GOV"], [], "051"], "7#12#11#2": [["---GOV"], [], "051"], "1#12#11#0": [["---GOV"], [], "051"]}, "es": "Se\u00f1or Presidente, se\u00f1ora Comisaria, estimados colegas, ante todo, quisiera felicitar a nuestro colega, el Sr. Koch, por sus informes, los cuales quiz\u00e1 sean informes t\u00e9cnicos, pero revisten una gran importancia para la seguridad.\n"}, {"en": "It is quite clear that many people within Wales are looking to the European Structural Funds programme to alleviate some of the great difficulties that we undoubtedly face.\n", "events": {"1#6#4#1": [["---"], ["---PPL"], "080"], "1#-#3#0": [["---"], ["---PPL"], "080"]}, "es": "Es bastante evidente que muchas personas de Gales conf\u00edan en el programa de Fondos Estructurales Europeos para solventar algunas de las grandes dificultades que sin duda est\u00e1n atravesando.\n"}, {"en": "If they do not, if businesspeople feel marginalised, if entrepreneurs cannot take part, not only in managing but also in receiving these funds, we will have missed an opportunity to attain our objectives more rapidly.\n", "events": {"1#17#14#1": [["---BUS"], [], "171"], "1#17#14#3": [["---BUS"], [], "171"], "1#17#14#5": [["---BUS"], [], "171"], "1#15#14#4": [["---BUS"], [], "030"], "1#15#14#2": [["---BUS"], [], "030"], "1#15#14#0": [["---BUS"], [], "030"]}, "es": "Si no es as\u00ed, si los empresarios se sienten marginados, si los empresarios no pueden participar, no digo ya solamente en la gesti\u00f3n, sino en la recepci\u00f3n de estos fondos, habremos perdido una oportunidad de alcanzar nuestros objetivos de manera m\u00e1s r\u00e1pida.\n"}, {"en": "I will conclude, Mr President, by saying that the failure of the Commission' s communication to focus on territorial pacts and, especially, methods of combating unemployment among women and young people, is cause for serious concern.\n", "events": {"2#-#42#2": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "012"], "41#-#42#4": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "012"], "40#-#42#3": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "012"]}, "es": "Y termino, se\u00f1or Presidente, diciendo que es m\u00e1s bien grave que en la comunicaci\u00f3n de la Comisi\u00f3n no se haya dedicado una atenci\u00f3n preferente a los pactos territoriales y especialmente a las modalidades de lucha contra el desempleo de las mujeres y de los j\u00f3venes.\n"}, {"en": "Mr President, Mrs Schroedter' s report undoubtedly contains several important observations, and I would like to congratulate her on that.\n", "events": {"1#17#20#5": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "1#15#20#4": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "4#1#20#13": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "17#4#20#12": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "4#15#20#14": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "4#-#20#1": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "051"], "4#17#20#15": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "15#-#20#2": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "051"], "15#17#20#8": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "1#4#20#6": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "17#1#20#10": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "17#15#20#11": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "15#4#20#9": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "17#-#20#3": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "051"], "15#1#20#7": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "051"], "1#-#20#0": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "051"]}, "es": "Se\u00f1or Presidente, sin duda alguna el informe de la Sra. Schroedter incluye bastantes observaciones importantes, y la felicito por ello.\n"}, {"en": "Mr President, I would like to say a few words in order to highlight two points made in these reports which are of fundamental strategic importance to the way we see the Union.\n", "events": {"-#16#13#0": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "030"], "5#22#20#30": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "030"], "1#22#20#2000": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "030"], "1#22#20#2": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "030"], "-#17#13#1": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "030"], "1#22#20#20": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "030"], "1#22#20#200": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "030"], "5#22#20#3": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "030"]}, "es": "Se\u00f1or Presidente, Se\u00f1or\u00edas, perm\u00edtaseme decir aqu\u00ed unas breves palabras para subrayar dos puntos que estos informes nos recuerdan y que tienen una importancia estrat\u00e9gica esencial en la perspectiva que tenemos de la Uni\u00f3n.\n"}, {"en": "I refer to item 11 on the order of business.\n", "events": {"-#-#8#1": [["---"], ["---BUS"], "100"]}, "es": "Me refiero al punto 11 del orden del d\u00eda.\n"}, {"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, my contribution to today' s debate concerns the steel aid code, that is the state aid in Europe granted in accordance with this code and which was assessed by the Commission.\n", "events": {"4#14#12#2": [["---GOV"], [], "040"], "7#14#12#3": [["---GOV"], [], "040"], "1#14#12#1": [["---GOV"], [], "040"]}, "es": ". (DE) Se\u00f1or Presidente, se\u00f1or Comisario, Se\u00f1or\u00edas, mi participaci\u00f3n en el presente debate tiene como tema el C\u00f3digo de Ayudas a la Siderurgia, o sea las ayudas p\u00fablicas otorgadas en Europa de conformidad con dicho C\u00f3digo y controladas por la Comisi\u00f3n.\n"}, {"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, I am speaking on behalf of my fellow Member, Robert Goebbels, who is unable to attend due to a political commitment.\n", "events": {"1#24#23#0#s1": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "042"], "1#24#23#0#s2": [["---"], ["---GOV"], "043"], "4#24#23#1#s1": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "042"], "4#24#23#1#s2": [["---"], ["---GOV"], "043"], "7#24#23#2#s1": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "042"], "7#24#23#2#s2": [["---"], ["---GOV"], "043"]}, "es": "Se\u00f1or Presidente, se\u00f1or Comisario, queridos colegas, intervengo en nombre de mi colega Robert Goebbels, que ha debido ausentarse para atender a un compromiso pol\u00edtico.\n"}, {"en": "The European Union or individual States must not take over from economic operators, but public authorities must define the rules and objectives which enable the economy to develop in a sustainable fashion.\n", "events": {"1#16#9#0": [["IGOEUREEC"], ["---GOV"], "171"]}, "es": "La Uni\u00f3n Europea, los Estados, no deben sustituir a los agentes econ\u00f3micos, sino que los poderes p\u00fablicos deben definir las normas y los objetivos que permitan un desarrollo sostenible de la econom\u00eda.\n"}, {"en": "The Commission is, in fact, retaining not only the power to take matters out of the jurisdiction of national authorities, but clearly obliging the national jurisdictions to avoid disputing the decisions of the Commission at all.\n", "events": {"11#20#14#4": [[], ["---GOV"], "171"], "1#15#14#0": [[], ["---GOV"], "171"], "1#20#14#1": [[], ["---GOV"], "171"], "11#15#14#3": [[], ["---GOV"], "171"]}, "es": "En realidad, la Comisi\u00f3n no s\u00f3lo mantiene el poder de sustraer un asunto a la competencia de las autoridades nacionales, sino que adem\u00e1s impone la clara obligaci\u00f3n a las jurisdicciones nacionales de evitar cualquier conflicto con las decisiones de la Comisi\u00f3n.\n"}, {"en": "Nevertheless, I cannot forget the numerous criticisms, both from Member States and from market operators, which, given the broad margin for manoeuvre and discretion enjoyed by the Commission in its evaluation of specific cases, maintain that they suffer from legal insecurity in the absence of clear rules allowing interested parties to anticipate the position of the authorities and thereby make feasible requests for aid aimed at the promotion of economic activity and employment, the planning of company mergers etc.\n", "events": {"-#63#51#9": [["---BUSGOV"], ["---GOV"], "080"], "-#65#51#10": [["---BUSGOV"], ["---BUS"], "080"], "-#55#51#7": [["---BUSGOV"], ["---BUSGOV"], "080"], "-#58#51#8": [["---BUSGOV"], ["---BUSGOV"], "080"], "-#52#51#6": [["---BUSGOV"], ["---BUSGOV"], "080"]}, "es": "Sin embargo, no puedo olvidar las cr\u00edticas realizadas en numerosas ocasiones tanto por los Estados miembros como por los operadores del mercado, que, ante el amplio margen de maniobra, de discrecionalidad, reconocido a la Comisi\u00f3n para evaluar cada caso concreto, alegan la existencia de una inseguridad jur\u00eddica, al no existir unas reglas claras de juego que permitan a los interesados prever la posici\u00f3n de la autoridad y, as\u00ed, efectuar ajustadamente sus solicitudes de ayuda al fomento de la actividad econ\u00f3mica y del empleo, el planteamiento de fusiones de empresas, etc.\n"}, {"en": "This is why it was justifiable to set up a system of aid to this sector with the aim of ensuring the survival of successful businesses, even if this was in contradiction of Article 4 of the ECSC Treaty.\n", "events": {"4#16#13#1": [[], ["---BUS"], "060"], "2#16#13#0": [[], ["---BUS"], "060"]}, "es": "Por ello es leg\u00edtimo instaurar un sistema de ayudas a este sector para garantizar la supervivencia de empresas muy eficientes y a pesar de que existe una contradicci\u00f3n con el art\u00edculo 4 del Tratado de la CECA.\n"}, {"en": "The Commission report confirms that, with the exception of Germany, state aid to businesses is increasing.\n", "events": {"7#14#13#2": [["DEU"], ["---BUS"], "033"], "1#14#13#0": [["DEU"], ["---BUS"], "033"]}, "es": "El informe de la Comisi\u00f3n confirma que, excepto en Alemania, las ayudas estatales a las empresas van en aumento.\n"}, {"en": "Mr President, competition is at the heart of the European internal market policy and is also its driving force.\n", "events": {"-#-#20#6": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "170"], "1#17#4#4": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "170"], "1#7#4#1": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "170"], "1#13#4#3": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "170"], "1#10#4#2": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "170"], "1#6#4#0": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "170"]}, "es": "Presidente, la competencia es el coraz\u00f3n y la fuerza de la pol\u00edtica europea del mercado interior.\n"}, {"en": "This special court in Luxembourg is necessary in order to build up broad expertise.\n", "events": {"-#13#9#1": [["LUX"], [], "100"], "-#10#9#0": [["LUX"], [], "030"]}, "es": "Esta sala especial es imprescindible por la necesidad de acumular experiencias.\n"}, {"en": "Parliament knows how important we all consider the question of transparency in competition policy, as I did right from the moment I had my hearing, on 1 September, in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.\n", "events": {"6#19#7#6": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "1#6#5#000000": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "1#6#5#0000000": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "6#18#7#5": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "1#6#5#0000": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "6#28#7#7": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "6#16#7#3": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "1#6#5#00": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "1#6#5#000": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "6#33#7#4": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "6#8#7#1": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "1#6#5#00000": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"], "6#14#7#2": [["---LEG"], ["---"], "040"]}, "es": "Este Parlamento sabe hastsa que punto todos nosotros consideramos importante el tema de la transparencia en la pol\u00edtica de competencia, y yo personalmente, desde el primer d\u00eda, el 1 de septiembre de 1999, en que comparec\u00ed ante la Comisi\u00f3n de Asuntos Econ\u00f3micos y Monetarios.\n"}, {"en": "Unlike the previous speaker, who has now disappeared, my group is strongly in favour of a European Public Prosecutor.\n", "events": {"-#19#16#1": [["---JUD"], ["---JUD"], "051"], "-#17#16#0": [["---JUD"], ["---"], "051"]}, "es": "Mi Grupo, en contra del anterior orador que ya ha desaparecido, es muy partidario de la creaci\u00f3n de un Ministerio p\u00fablico europeo.\n"}, {"en": "According to the Theato report, the European Public Prosecutor is needed, in particular, in order to better support the inquiries of the anti-fraud office, OLAF.\n", "events": {"1#-#23#1": [["---JUD"], ["---"], "030"], "-#19#18#0": [["---JUD"], ["---"], "030"], "7#-#23#2": [["---JUD"], ["---"], "030"], "7#-#23#20": [["---JUD"], ["---"], "030"]}, "es": "Seg\u00fan el informe Theato, el fiscal europeo ser\u00eda necesario, en particular, para enmarcar mejor las investigaciones de la Oficina de lucha contra el fraude, la OLAF.\n"}, {"en": "Mr President, Mrs Theato is proposing institutional revolution for a twofold reason.\n", "events": {"1#4#13#2": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "040"], "4#-#13#2": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "040"], "1#-#13#1": [["---GOV"], ["---"], "040"], "4#1#13#3": [["---GOV"], ["---GOV"], "040"]}, "es": "Se\u00f1or Presidente, la Sra. Theato nos propone una revoluci\u00f3n institucional por un doble motivo.\n"}, {"en": "Secondly, we should indeed set up a European Public Prosecutor' s Office with two tasks, firstly to assist the national public prosecutors, helping bring criminal proceedings in European fraud cases and, secondly, to supervise Europol and OLAF in a judicial sense because these are two criminal investigation services which can operate at the moment without any judicial supervision.\n", "events": {"35#41#40#2": [["---JUD"], [], "030"], "37#41#40#3": [["---JUD"], [], "030"]}, "es": "En segundo lugar, se tiene que crear efectivamente un Ministerio p\u00fablico europeo con dos tareas: en primer lugar para ayudar a los fiscales nacionales en la persecuci\u00f3n penal del fraude europeo y en segundo lugar, para tener un control judicial sobre Europol y la OLAF, ya que son dos servicios de investigaci\u00f3n que en este momento pueden actuar sin ser controlados judicialmente.\n"}]