Custom Caddy image built from sources with specific configuration for proxying Docker socket to limit access of applications to Docker API.
Built with Go 1.23.5
The image goal is to provide the most simple solution for limiting applications access to the Docker API through the socket.
This allows some application such as Traefik or Prometheus to access the Docker API without requiring to mount the Docker API socket inside the container (that could lead to a pretty bad privilege escalation if application is compromised).
For a more flexible solution, prefer docker-socket-proxy from Tecnativa.
This image come with a specific Caddy configuration for the use-case described above. The reverse proxy server listens on http://localhost:2375
and will forward request to the Docker UNIX domain socket mounted inside this proxy container.
Only GET
method on a specific set of Docker API endpoints are allowed:
/containers/<container id>/json
For any other methods and/or endpoints called, a 403 error is returned. Moreover, endpoints required for Docker Swarm are not considered.
You can find a basic docker-compose.yml in the examples
folder showing a barebone configuration using this container image (i.e absolutely not production-ready).