The primary object in Lithops is the executor. The standard way to get everything set up is to import lithops, and create an instance of one of the available modes of executions.
Lithops is shipped with 3 modes of execution: Localhost, Serverless and Standalone. In this sense, each mode of execution has its own executor class:
- lithops.LocalhostExecutor(): Executor that uses local processes to run jobs in the local machine.
- lithops.ServerlessExecutor(): Executor to run jobs in one of the available serverless compute backends.
- lithops.StandaloneExecutor(): Executor to run jobs in one of the available standalone compute backends.
Additionally, Lithops includes a top-level function executor, which encompasses all three previous executors:
- lithops.FunctionExecutor(): Generic executor that will use the configuration to determine its mode of execution, i.e., based on the configuration it will be localhost, serverless or standalone.
By default, the executor load the configuration from the config file. Alternatively, you can pass the configuration with a python dictionary. In any case, note that all the parameters set in the executor will overwrite those set in the configuration.
.. automodule:: lithops.executors :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: