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Stiching for FASTEN Python Call Graphs

In this repository you can find the implementation of a stitcher for Python call graphs written in Python along with a benchmark to test its functionality.


  • stitcher: The source code for the stitcher.
  • benchmark: A minimal benchmark to test the stitcher's functionality.


Installation requires an installation of Python3. From the root directory, run:

>>> python3 install


>>> pycg-stitch --help
usage: pycg-stitch [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [call_graph ...]

positional arguments:
  call_graph            Paths to call graphs to be stitched together in JSON format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output path
  • call_graph: A list of paths containing FASTEN Python call graphs in JSON format.
  • output: (Optional) parameter specifying where the stitched call graph will be stored.


The benchmark directory consists of a micro- and a macro-benchmark.


The micro-benchmark is stored under benchmark/micro and contains the following:

  • packages: Contains the source code of 5 packages. Specifically it contains the source code of a root package which depends on the dep1 and dep2 packages. In turn, dep1 depends on the trans-dep1 and trans-dep2 packages.
  • call-graphs: Contains PyCG generated call graphs for the aforementioned packages.
  • Converts call graphs of the version 1 FASTEN Python format to version 2.
  • Script that uses PyCG to generate Python call graphs, and store them under the call-graphs directory.

In order to execute the benchmark:

>>> pycg-stitch benchmark/micro/call-graphs/* --output out.json

The out.json file should contain the following output:

  "edges": [
    [1, 2],
    [3, 4],
    [3, 5],
    [3, 6],
    [4, 1],
    [5, 7],
    [6, 8]
  "nodes": {
    "6": {
      "URI": "fasten://dep1$1.0/dep1.dep1/Cls.dep_fn()",
      "metadata": {}
    "1": {
      "URI": "fasten://trans-dep2$1.0/trans_dep2.trans_dep2/smth()",
      "metadata": {}
    "2": {
      "URI": "fasten://root$1.0/root.root/",
      "metadata": {}
    "3": {
      "URI": "fasten://root$1.0/root.root/A.fn()",
      "metadata": {}
    "4": {
      "URI": "fasten://root$1.0/root.root/func2()",
      "metadata": {}
    "5": {
      "URI": "fasten://trans-dep1$1.0/trans_dep1.trans_dep1/ClsPar.__init__()",
      "metadata": {}
    "7": {
      "URI": "fasten://dep2$1.0/dep2.dep2/func()",
      "metadata": {}
    "8": {
      "URI": "fasten://trans-dep1$1.0/trans_dep1.trans_dep1/fun()",
      "metadata": {}


The macro-benchmark is stored under the benchmark/macro directory. It contains the call graphs for the fabric package and its dependencies. The macro-benchmark contains the following items:

  • call-graphs: The call-graphs for fabric and its dependencies.
  • A Python script that takes as a parameter a package and downloads it along with its dependencies. Then it generates their call graphs using PyCG and stores them under the call-graphs directory.
  • stitched.json: The expected stitched call graph for fabric and its dependencies.


Deploy a micro-service that expose a REST API for stitch call-graphs.

docker build -f Dockerfile -t pycg-stitch-api .
docker run -p 5001:5000 pycg-stitch-api
  • Request format
url: http://localhost:5001/stitch
parameter: {"product1": {...}, "product2": {...}}
  • Example request using curl:
echo "{ \
    \"root\": $(cat benchmark/micro/call-graphs/root.json), \
    \"dep1\": $(cat benchmark/micro/call-graphs/dep1.json), \
    \"dep2\": $(cat benchmark/micro/call-graphs/dep2.json), \
    \"trans-dep1\": $(cat benchmark/micro/call-graphs/trans-dep1.json), \
    \"trans-dep2\": $(cat benchmark/micro/call-graphs/trans-dep2.json) \
}" > test.json

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -d @test.json \