You can use an existing Firebase project or create a new project on the Firebase Console.
Follow the guide on preparing a Firebase project for Firelayer Setting up Firebase - Guide
firelayer init new-project -t starter
firelayer add:template starter
If you wish to add a landing website. You can do so by adding the landing template:
firelayer add:template landing
After Install
To start run yarn dev
or npm run dev
and the three applications should be ready on:
- Admin - http://localhost:8081
- Functions - http://localhost:5000/api/api
ports may change if already in use by other services
Follow the steps on Getting Started to add a Service Account key to your project so you can run Firelayer CLI helpers.
If you don't have any users on this Firebase Project you can always create a new one using the firelayer CLI or on the Firebase Console.
firelayer auth:add -u [email protected] -p password123
Add Administration privileges to user:
firelayer auth -u [email protected] --set-admin
And now you can login on the administration dashboard - http://localhost:8081
- Express API
- User management
- Triggers examples
- Scheduled jobs examples
- Firebase Users Management
- Send auth emails with SendGrid
- Vue & Vuetify Components
Starter template is organized as a monorepo using Lerna and yarn workspaces. Useful scripts include:
Installs package dependencies and links packages together - using lerna and yarn workspaces
Cleans the previous builds and starts building on all sub packages - using lerna run build
Starts the dev mode on all sub packages - using lerna run dev
Firelayer is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.