diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 41bb3f6..4535a19 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,55 +6,190 @@ A simple SSH shortcut menu for OS X
![How Shuttle works](https://raw.github.com/fitztrev/shuttle/gh-pages/img/how-shuttle-works.gif)
-***Sidenote***: *Many people ask, so here's how I have [my terminal setup](https://github.com/fitztrev/shuttle/wiki/My-Terminal-Prompt).*
+**Sidenote**: *Many people ask, so here's how I have [my terminal setup](https://github.com/fitztrev/shuttle/wiki/My-Terminal-Prompt).*
## Installation
1. Download [Shuttle](http://fitztrev.github.io/shuttle/)
2. Copy to Applications
-## Customization
+## JSON Path Change
-The default, out-of-the-box configuration should be good enough to get started. However, if you're looking to customize the appearance further, here are a few advanced tips.
+In your home directory create a file called ```~/.shuttle.path```
+In this file should be a single line with the path to the JSON settings file.
-### Disabling `~/.ssh/config` hosts
+shuttle will read ```~/.shuttle.path``` first and use its contents as the path to your JSON file.
+## JSON Options
+### Global settings
+#### ```"editor": "VALUE",```
+_This changes the app that opens settings.json for editing (Global Setting)_
+Possible values are ```default```, ```nano```, ```vi```, ```vim``` or any terminal based editor.
+```default``` opens settings.json in whatever app is registered as the default for extension ```.json```
+"editor": "vim",
+would open ```~/.shuttle.json``` in vim
+#### ```"launch_at_login": VALUE,```
+_This allows you to flag the shuttle.app to start automatically (Global Setting)_
+Possible values are ```true``` or ```false```
+#### ```"terminal": "VALUE",```
+_This allows you to set the default terminal (Global Setting)_
+Possible values are ```Terminal.app``` or ```iTerm```
+#### ```"iTerm_version": "VALUE",```
+_This changes the applescripts for iTerm (Global Setting)_
+Possible values are ```stable``` or ```nightly```
+**If ```terminal``` is set to ```iTerm``` this setting is mandatory**
+_This setting is ignored if your terminal is set to ```Terminal.app```_
+#### ```"default_theme": "Homebrew",```
+_This sets the Terminal theme for all windows. (Global Setting)_
+Possible values are the Profile names in your terminal preferences. iTerm ships with one Profile named "Default". OS X Terminal ships with several. To see the names see the preferences area of the terminal you are using.
+In iTerm the profile names are case sensitive.
+**Please ensure the theme names you set are valid. If shuttle passes theme "Dagobah" and it does not exist in iTerm or OS X Terminal then your command won't run. This is because the applescripts are not making any checks to see if the theme you passed actually exists within the terminal application.**
+This setting can be overwritten by the command level ```"theme"``` settings
+#### ```"open_in": "VALUE",```
+_This changes the default action for how commands are opened (Global Setting)_
+Possible values are ```tab``` or ```new```.
+```tab``` opens the command in the active terminal in a new tab.
+```new``` opens the command in a new window.
+This setting can be overwritten by the command level ```"inTerminal"``` settings
+#### ```"show_ssh_config_hosts": VALUE,```
+_This changes parsing ssh config. By default, Shuttle will parse your ```~/.ssh/config``` file for hosts. (Global Setting)_
+Possible values are ```false``` or ```true```
-By default, Shuttle will parse your `~/.ssh/config` file for hosts.
+#### ```"ssh_config_ignore_hosts": ["VALUE", "VALUE"],```
+_This will ignore hosts in the ssh config. (Global Setting)_
-##### To disable all ~/.ssh/config entries:
+Possible values are the hosts in your config that you want to ignore. If you had github.com and git.example.com in your ssh config, to ignore them you set:
+```"ssh_config_ignore_hosts": ["github.com", "git.example.com"],```
+#### ```"ssh_config_ignore_keywords": ["VALUE"],```
+_This will ignore keywords in your ssh config. (Global Setting)_
+Possible values are the keywords in your ssh config that you want to ignore.
+**Additional ssh config customization**
+#### Nested menus for `~/.ssh/config` hosts
+##### Create a menu item at "work" > "servers" > "web01"
-"show_ssh_config_hosts": false,
+Host work/servers/web01
+ HostName user@web01.example.com
-#### Disable specific hosts:
+\- *or* -
-"ssh_config_ignore_hosts": ["github.com", "git.example.com"],
+Host gandalf
+ # shuttle.name = work/servers/web01 (webserver)
+ HostName user@web01.example.com
-#### Disable hosts that contain a keyword:
+### Command level settings
+_Command level settings are unique to your command and will overwrite the Global setting equivalent_
+#### ```"cmd": "VALUE"```
+_This is the command / script that will be launched in the terminal. (Command setting)_
+Where Value is a command or script.
-"ssh_config_ignore_keywords": ["git"],
+"cmd": "ps aux | grep [s]sh"
+Would check for ssh processes.
-### Nested menus for `~/.ssh/config` hosts
-#### Create a menu item at "work" > "servers" > "web01"
+#### ```"name": "VALUE"```
+_This sets the text that will appear in shuttles drop down menu. (Command setting)_
+Were Value is the text you want to see in the drop down menu for this command.
-Host work/servers/web01
- HostName user@web01.example.com
+"name": "SSH to my wordpress blog"
-\- *or* -
+This value can also set the title of the terminal window if ```"title" :"VALUE"``` is not set.
+#### ```"inTerminal": "VALUE",```
+_This sets how command will open in the terminal window. (Command setting)_
+Possible values are ```new```, ```tab```, or ```current```
+```new``` opens the command in a new terminal window.
+```tab``` opens the command in the active terminal window in a new tab.
+```current``` opens the command in the active terminal's window.
+When using using ```current``` I recommend that you wrap the command in some user input like this:
-Host gandalf
- # shuttle.name = work/servers/web01 (webserver)
- HostName user@web01.example.com
+echo "are you sure y/n"; read sure; if [ "$sure" == "y" ]; then echo "running command" && ps aux | grep [s]sh; else echo "exiting..."; fi
+Do this as a precaution as it could be possible to run a command on the wrong host.
+#### ```"theme": "VALUE",```
+_This sets the theme for the terminal window. (Command setting)_
+Possible values are the profile names for iTerm or OS X Terminal.
+If ```"theme"``` is not set and ```"default_theme"``` is not set then shuttle passes Profile ```Default``` for iTerm and Profile ```basic``` for OS X terminal.
+#### ```"title": "VALUE"```
+_This sets the text that will appear in the terminal's title bar. (Command setting)_
+Where VALUE is the text you want to set in the terminals title bar.
+If ```title``` is missing shuttle uses the menu's name and sets this as ```title```
## Roadmap
diff --git a/Shuttle/AppDelegate.h b/Shuttle/AppDelegate.h
index 2a4783a..916084c 100644
--- a/Shuttle/AppDelegate.h
+++ b/Shuttle/AppDelegate.h
@@ -15,16 +15,21 @@
NSStatusItem *statusItem;
NSString *shuttleConfigFile;
- NSString *shuttleJSONPath;
// This is for the JSON File
NSDate *configModified;
NSDate *sshConfigUser;
NSDate *sshConfigSystem;
- NSString *terminalPref;
- NSString *editorPref;
- NSString *iTermVersion;
+ //Global settings Pref in the JSON file.
+ NSString *shuttleJSONPathPref; //alternate path the JSON file
+ NSString *terminalPref; //which terminal will we be using iTerm or Terminal.app
+ NSString *editorPref; //what app opens the JSON fiile vi, nano...
+ NSString *iTermVersionPref; //which version of iTerm nightly or stable
+ NSString *openInPref; //by default are commands opened in tabs or new windows.
+ NSString *themePref; //The global theme.
+ //used to gather ssh config settings
NSMutableArray* shuttleHosts;
NSMutableArray* ignoreHosts;
NSMutableArray* ignoreKeywords;
diff --git a/Shuttle/AppDelegate.m b/Shuttle/AppDelegate.m
index c1e2eb9..af7acee 100644
--- a/Shuttle/AppDelegate.m
+++ b/Shuttle/AppDelegate.m
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ @implementation AppDelegate
- (void) awakeFromNib {
// The location for the JSON path file. This is a simple file that contains the hard path to the *.json settings file.
- shuttleJSONPath = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@".shuttle.path"];
+ shuttleJSONPathPref = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@".shuttle.path"];
//if file shuttle.path exists in ~/.shuttle.path then read this file as it should contain the custom path to *.json
- if( [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:shuttleJSONPath] ) {
+ if( [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:shuttleJSONPathPref] ) {
//Read the shuttle.path file which contains the path to the json file
- NSString *jsonConfigPath = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:shuttleJSONPath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL];
+ NSString *jsonConfigPath = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:shuttleJSONPathPref encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL];
//Remove the white space if any.
jsonConfigPath = [ jsonConfigPath stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
@@ -196,7 +196,9 @@ - (void) loadMenu {
terminalPref = [json[@"terminal"] lowercaseString];
editorPref = [json[@"editor"] lowercaseString];
- iTermVersion = [json[@"iTerm_version"] lowercaseString];
+ iTermVersionPref = [json[@"iTerm_version"] lowercaseString];
+ openInPref = [json[@"open_in"] lowercaseString];
+ themePref = json[@"default_theme"];
launchAtLoginController.launchAtLogin = [json[@"launch_at_login"] boolValue];
shuttleHosts = json[@"hosts"];
ignoreHosts = json[@"ssh_config_ignore_hosts"];
@@ -372,6 +374,10 @@ - (void) openHost:(NSMenuItem *) sender {
//NSLog(@"sender: %@", sender);
//NSLog(@"Command: %@",[sender representedObject]);
+ NSString *errorMessage;
+ NSString *errorInfo;
//Place the comma delimited string of menu item settings into an array
NSArray *objectsFromJSON = [[sender representedObject] componentsSeparatedByString:(@",")];
@@ -384,35 +390,53 @@ - (void) openHost:(NSMenuItem *) sender {
//Are commands run in a new tab (default) a new terminal window (new), or in the current tab of the last used window (current).
NSString *terminalWindow;
+ escapedObject = [[objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:0] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\"" withString:@"\\\""];
- //if for some reason we get a representedObject with only one item...
- if (objectsFromJSON.count <=1) {
- escapedObject = [[sender representedObject] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\"" withString:@"\\\""];
- }
- else {
- escapedObject = [[objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:0] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\"" withString:@"\\\""];
- //Check if terminalTheme is null
- if( [[objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"(null)"] ){
+ //if terminalTheme is not set then check for a global setting.
+ if( [[objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"(null)"] ){
+ if(themePref == 0) {
if( [terminalPref isEqualToString:@"iterm"] ){
+ //we have no global theme and there is no theme in the command settings.
+ //Forcing the Default profile for iTerm and the basic profile for Terminal.app
terminalTheme = @"Default";
- }else{
- terminalTheme = @"basic";
- }
+ }else{
+ terminalTheme = @"basic";
+ }
+ //We have a global setting using this as the theme.
}else {
- terminalTheme = [objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:1];
+ terminalTheme = themePref;
- //Check if terminalTitle is null
- if( [[objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:2] isEqualToString:@"(null)"]){
- terminalTitle = [objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:4];
- }else{
- terminalTitle = [objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:2];
- }
- //Check if inTerminal is null
- if( [[objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:3] isEqualToString:@"(null)"]){
- terminalWindow = @"default"; //this is not currently used.
- }else{
- terminalWindow = [objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:3];
+ //we have command level theme override the Global default_theme settings.
+ }else{
+ terminalTheme = [objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:1];
+ }
+ //Check if terminalTitle is null
+ if( [[objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:2] isEqualToString:@"(null)"]){
+ //setting the empty title to that of the menu item.
+ terminalTitle = [objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:4];
+ }else{
+ terminalTitle = [objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:2];
+ }
+ //Check if inTerminal is null if so then use the default settings of open_in
+ if( [[objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:3] isEqualToString:@"(null)"]){
+ //if open_in is not "tab" or "new" then force the default of "tab".
+ if( ![openInPref isEqualToString:@"tab"] && ![openInPref isEqualToString:@"new"]){
+ openInPref = @"tab";
+ //open_in was not empty or bad value we are passing the settings.
+ terminalWindow = openInPref;
+ }else{
+ //inTerminal is not null and overrides the default values of open_in
+ terminalWindow = [objectsFromJSON objectAtIndex:3];
+ if( ![terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"new"] && ![terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"current"] && ![terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"tab"])
+ {
+ errorMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@ %@",@"'",terminalWindow,@"'", @"is not a valid value for inTerminal. Please fix this in the JSON file"];
+ errorInfo = @"bad \"inTerminal\":\"VALUE\" in the JSON settings";
+ [self throwError:errorMessage additionalInfo:errorInfo continueOnErrorOption:NO];
+ }
//Set Paths to iTerm Stable AppleScripts
@@ -445,56 +469,74 @@ - (void) openHost:(NSMenuItem *) sender {
//If the JSON file is set to use iTerm
else if ( [terminalPref rangeOfString: @"iterm"].location !=NSNotFound ) {
- //If the JSON file is set to use applescript via iTermVersion then configure for iTerm Stable
- if( [iTermVersion isEqualToString: @"stable"] ) {
- //run the applescript that works with iTerm Stable
+ //If the JSON prefs for iTermVersion are not stable or nightly throw an error
+ if( ![iTermVersionPref isEqualToString: @"stable"] && ![iTermVersionPref isEqualToString:@"nightly"] ) {
+ if( iTermVersionPref == 0 ) {
+ errorMessage = @"\"iTerm_version\": \"VALUE\", is missing.\n\"VALUE\" can be \"stable\" or \"nightly\"\n\nPlease fix your shuttle JSON settings.\nSee readme.md on shuttle's github for help.";
+ errorInfo = @"Press Continue to try iTerm stable applescripts.\n -->(not recommended)<--\nThis will fail if you have iTerm nightly installed.\n\nPlease fix the JSON settings.\nPress Quit to exit shuttle.";
+ [self throwError:errorMessage additionalInfo:errorInfo continueOnErrorOption:YES];
+ iTermVersionPref = @"stable";
+ }else{
+ errorMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@ %@",@"'",iTermVersionPref,@"'", @"is not a valid value for iTerm_version. Please fix this in the JSON file"];
+ errorInfo = @"bad \"iTerm_version\": \"VALUE\" in the JSON settings";
+ [self throwError:errorMessage additionalInfo:errorInfo continueOnErrorOption:NO];
+ }
+ }
+ if( [iTermVersionPref isEqualToString:@"stable"]) {
+ //run the applescript that works with iTerm Stable
//if we are running in a new iTerm "Stable" Window
if ( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"new"] ) {
[self runScript:iTermStableNewWindow handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
- }else {
- //if we are running in the current iTerm "Stable" Window
- if ( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"current"] ) {
- [self runScript:iTermStableCurrentWindow handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
- }else {
- //we are using the default action of shuttle, use the active window in a new Tab
- [self runScript:iTermStableNewTabDefault handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
- }
- }
+ }
+ //if we are running in the current iTerm "Stable" Window
+ if ( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"current"] ) {
+ [self runScript:iTermStableCurrentWindow handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
+ }
+ //we are using the default action of shuttle... The active window in a new tab
+ if ( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"tab"] ) {
+ [self runScript:iTermStableNewTabDefault handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
+ }
//iTermVersion is not set to "stable" using applescripts Configured for Nightly
- else {
+ if( [iTermVersionPref isEqualToString:@"nightly"]) {
//if we are running in a new iTerm "Nightly" Window
- if( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"new"] ) {
+ if ( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"new"] ) {
[self runScript:iTerm2NightlyNewWindow handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
- }else {
- //if we are running in the current iTerm "Nightly" Window
- if( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"current"] ) {
- [self runScript:iTerm2NightlyCurrentWindow handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
- }else {
- //we are using the default action of shuttle, use the active window in a new Tab
- [self runScript:iTerm2NightlyNewTabDefault handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
- }
- }
+ }
+ //if we are running in the current iTerm "Nightly" Window
+ if ( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"current"] ) {
+ [self runScript:iTerm2NightlyCurrentWindow handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
+ }
+ //we are using the default action of shuttle... The active window in a new tab
+ if ( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"tab"] ) {
+ [self runScript:iTerm2NightlyNewTabDefault handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
+ }
- //If JSON file is set to use Terminal.app
+ //If JSON settings are set to use Terminal.app
else {
+ //if we are running in a new terminal Window
if ( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"new"] ) {
[self runScript:terminalNewWindow handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
- }else {
- if ( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"current"] ) {
- [self runScript:terminalCurrentWindow handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
- }else {
- [self runScript:terminalNewTabDefault handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
- }
- }
+ }
+ //if we are running in the current terminal Window
+ if ( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"current"] ) {
+ [self runScript:terminalCurrentWindow handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
+ }
+ //we are using the default action of shuttle... The active window in a new tab
+ if ( [terminalWindow isEqualToString:@"tab"] ) {
+ [self runScript:terminalNewTabDefault handler:handlerName parameters:passParameters];
+ }
-- (void) runScript:(NSString *)scriptPath handler:(NSString*)handlerName parameters:(NSArray*)parametersInArray
+- (void) runScript:(NSString *)scriptPath handler:(NSString*)handlerName parameters:(NSArray*)parametersInArray {
//special thanks to stackoverflow.com/users/316866/leandro for pointing me the right direction.
//see http://goo.gl/olcpaX
NSAppleScript * appleScript;
@@ -568,6 +610,25 @@ - (IBAction)showImportPanel:(id)sender {
+-(void) throwError:(NSString*)errorMessage additionalInfo:(NSString*)errorInfo continueOnErrorOption:(BOOL)continueOption {
+ NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
+ [alert setInformativeText:errorInfo];
+ [alert setMessageText:errorMessage];
+ [alert setAlertStyle:NSWarningAlertStyle];
+ if (continueOption) {
+ [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Quit"];
+ [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Continue"];
+ }else{
+ [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Quit"];
+ }
+ if ([alert runModal] == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn) {
+ [NSApp terminate:NSApp];
+ }
- (IBAction)showExportPanel:(id)sender {
NSSavePanel * savePanelObj = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
//Display the Save Panel
@@ -590,11 +651,14 @@ - (IBAction)configure:(id)sender {
//build the editor command
NSString *editorCommand = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", editorPref, shuttleConfigFile];
+ //build the reprensented object. It's expecting menuCmd, termTheme, termTitle, termWindow, menuName
+ NSString *editorRepObj = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@,%@,%@,%@,%@", editorCommand, nil, @"Editing shuttle JSON", nil, nil];
//make a menu item for the command selector(openHost:) runs in a new terminal window.
NSMenuItem *editorMenu = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"editJSONconfig" action:@selector(openHost:) keyEquivalent:(@"")];
//set the command for the menu item
- [editorMenu setRepresentedObject:editorCommand];
+ [editorMenu setRepresentedObject:editorRepObj];
//open the JSON file in the terminal editor.
[self openHost:editorMenu];
diff --git a/Shuttle/Shuttle-Info.plist b/Shuttle/Shuttle-Info.plist
index 2080b6b..df43b6f 100644
--- a/Shuttle/Shuttle-Info.plist
+++ b/Shuttle/Shuttle-Info.plist
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
- 1.2.4
+ 1.2.5
- 1.2.4
+ 1.2.5
diff --git a/Shuttle/shuttle.default.json b/Shuttle/shuttle.default.json
index a3fa14d..5259821 100644
--- a/Shuttle/shuttle.default.json
+++ b/Shuttle/shuttle.default.json
@@ -6,81 +6,53 @@
"For more information on how to configure, please see http://fitztrev.github.io/shuttle/"
"editor": "default",
- "iTerm_version": "nightly",
"launch_at_login": false,
- "show_ssh_config_hosts": true,
+ "terminal": "Terminal.app",
+ "iTerm_version": "nightly",
+ "default_theme": "Homebrew",
+ "open_in": "new",
+ "show_ssh_config_hosts": false,
"ssh_config_ignore_hosts": [ ],
"ssh_config_ignore_keywords": [ ],
- "terminal": "iTerm",
"hosts": [
- "cmd": "ps aux | grep foo",
- "inTerminal": "new",
- "name": "look for process foo",
- "theme": "Default",
- "title": "grep foo"
+ "cmd": "ps aux | grep defaults",
+ "name": "Grep - Opens in Default-window-theme-title"
"Spouses Servers": [
- "cmd": "echo '—->WARNING<-- Running a command in this active terminal! Are you sure? y/n'; read sure; if [ $sure == y ]; then echo running command... && tail -f /var/log/messages; else echo exiting...; fi",
+ "cmd": "echo '—->WARNING<-- Running a command in this active terminal! Are you sure? y/n'; read sure; if [ $sure == y ]; then echo running command... && tail -f /var/log/current; else echo exiting...; fi",
"inTerminal": "current",
- "name": "Look at the Logs"
+ "name": "Logs - Opens in the current active terminal window"
"Jane’s Servers": [
"cmd": "ssh username@blog2.example.com",
- "name": "Wordpress Box"
+ "inTerminal": "tab",
+ "name": "SSH blog - Opens in Tab of active window",
+ "theme": "basic",
+ "title": "title of tab"
- {
+ {
"cmd": "ssh username@shop1.example.com",
- "name": "Shopping Site"
+ "inTerminal": "new",
+ "name": "SSH Shop - Opens in New Window",
+ "theme": "basic",
+ "title": "title of new window"
- {
- "Work": [
- {
- "cmd": "ssh username@dev.example.net -p 4000",
- "name": "dev.example.net"
- },
- {
- "cmd": "ssh username@staging.example.net -p 5000",
- "name": "staging.example.net"
- },
- {
- "cmd": "ssh username@example.net -p 6000",
- "name": "production.example.net"
- }
- ]
- },
"Vagrant": [
"cmd": "ssh vagrant@ -p 2222 -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key",
- "name": "precise32"
+ "name": "Vagrant - Opens in default-window-theme-title"
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file