Activities where participants all actively work to foster an environment which encourages participation across experience levels, coding language fluency, technology choices*, and scientific disciplines.
*though sometimes we try to expand your options
- Avoid discussions between a few people on a narrow topic
- Provide time for people who haven't spoken to speak/ask questions
- Provide time for experts to share wisdom and discuss
- Work together to make discussions accessible to novices
- If comfortable, please keep video on so we can all see each other's faces.
- Ok to break in for quick, clarifying questions.
- Use Raise Hand feature for new topics or for more in-depth questions.
- Please stay muted if not speaking. (Host may mute you.)
- Future sessions planned:
- Intro to Julia
- Optimizing Python Numeric Computing Performance
- Intro to GitHub (with Software Carpentry)
- Suggest topics and vote on options in #sciware Slack
- Zoom Lessons
- Remote Access Overview (ssh)
- Remote Display (XQuartz, X11, VNC)
- Persistent Development Environments
- Discussion, Open Share
- OpenSSH has a number of useful features that can be configured (per-host) in
- These apply to the client side only: the place you run "ssh"
- The file is divided into
sections, matching the "host" on the command line against each section
# settings only for "ssh myhost"
Host myhost
Port 22
# settings for one domain
Host *
User myuser
Host *
# defaults for all hosts
Keypairs let you authenticate to some hosts
Generate a new private/public key pair
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_mykey
You should set a new passphrase unless your local machine is secure (e.g., encrypted disk, or at least more secure than the server, e.g., github)
The private key (
) is your "password" -
The public key (
) can be put on servers to accept the private key -
Use it in client config
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_mykey KbdInteractiveAuthentication no
Add it to server
(list of keys, one per line)ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIP6+dWRKWnpvs+JQcA1I6RW2Lq11Q/CWu87I3SZXYsYw
Or use
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_mykey host
You can also set additional options/restrictions per key
from="" environment="TERM=screen" command="..." ssh-ed25519 ...
Another way to avoid authentication when reconnecting is to re-use a single connection
Host myhost
ControlMaster auto
Host *
ControlPath ~/.ssh/.%r@%h:%p
Now if you run ssh myhost
in two different windows, the second will re-use the first connection without authentication
If you're on a slow connection, compression may help
Compression yes
If your router (or, horrors, ISP) drops idle connections, enable keep-alives
ServerAliveInterval 60
Forward specific services (https, vnc, ssh)
LocalForward jupyter:443
LocalForward x2go01:5902
LocalForward myhost:22
I often use this for chaining ssh
Host gateway
LocalForward myhost:22
Host myhost
Port 51022
Newer ssh provides another way
Host myhost
ProxyJump gateway
DynamicForward 21099
Now configure your browser to use a SOCKS5 proxy at
(or use something like runsocks
Sometimes you want to connect only to setup forwards, and don't need a shell
ExitOnForwardFailure yes ssh -Nf host
GatewayPorts yes
ForwardX11 yes
ForwardX11Trusted yes
Many application need trusted (same as
) but beware of security implications (e.g., keylogging) -
Without trusted, there is a timeout (default 20 min), after which X11 will stop working. Disable with
ForwardX11Timeout 0
- If you have a linux workstation, and forget its name, just use
- If you have a Foundation-owned Mac laptop, it should have the FI VPN pre-configured (if not, contact IT)
- VPN is not available on Linux laptops or self-managed machines