You'll need a Windows machine with Ruby and Git installed.
- Git for Windows (
- Ruby installer with devkit (
- Clone this repository on Windows:
% git clone
- Run the following commands on RubyInstaller prompt:
% cd fluent-plugin-windows-exporter % gem install bundler % bundle install
- Launch Fluentd:
% type test.conf <source> @type windows_exporter </source> <match windows.metrics> @type stdout </match> % bundle exec fluentd -c test.conf
Create an annotated tag on GitHub and push gems:
$ git tag -a v1.0.0 -m v1.0.0
$ git push origin --tags
$ rake build
$ gem push *.gem
We maintain the release announcements on GitHub. Create a new release on "Release" page
Test codes are in test/plugin/
% bundle exec rake test
You can compare the output values with Prometheus windows exporter.
- Install Prometheus windows exporter
- Run it by ".\windows_exporter.exe --collectors.enabled="cpu,memory,logical_disk,net,os""
- Run test codes of this plugin
Then WindowsExporterInputTest::test_record_values_with_prometheus_windows_exporter
test prints out the comparison results.
You can change the output threshold by editing the test code.