The method insert_one can only insert one document at a time. To insert multiple documents, we can call insert_one repeatedly over all documents. Or we can use insert_many for better performance.
collection.insert_many(/* multiple documents */).unwrap();
The method insert_many accepts an array of documents.
We can put the documents inside []
and vec!
collection.insert_many([/* doc 1 */, /* doc 2 */, /* etc */]).unwrap();
In the following example, we insert two documents to a collection at a time.
use polodb_core::{bson::doc, Database};
fn main() {
let db = Database::open_memory().unwrap();
let collection = db.collection("name_of_the_collection");
let docs = [
doc! {
"Name": "Alice",
"Age": 20,
doc! {
"Name": "Bob",
"Height": 180,
let result = collection.insert_many(docs).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", result);
InsertManyResult { inserted_ids: {0: ObjectId("66b4cbac508a17ca0d9e5b57"), 1: ObjectId("66b4cbac508a17ca0d9e5b58")} }
Note that documents can contain different entries (such as Age
and Height
) even if they are inserted together.
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