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Commit 51542bb
chore(main): release 2.21.0 (#1334)
:robot: I have created a release *beep* *boop*
## 2.21.0 (2025-02-20)
### Features
* added new `image` snacks plugin for the kitty graphics protocol
* **bigfile:** configurable average line length (default = 1000). Useful
for minified files. Closes
[#576](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/576). Closes
* **compat:** added `svim`, a compatibility layer for Neovim. Closes
* **debug:** graduate proc debug to Snacks.debug.cmd
* **explorer:** `opts.include` and `opts.exclude`. Closes
* **explorer:** added `Snacks.explorer.reveal()` to reveal the current
file in the tree.
* **explorer:** added copy/paste (yank/paste) for files. Closes
* **explorer:** added ctrl+f to grep in the item's directory
* **explorer:** added ctrl+t to open a terminal in the item's directory
* **explorer:** added diagnostics file/directory status
* **explorer:** added quick nav with `[`, `]` with `d/w/e` for
* **explorer:** added support for live search
* **explorer:** allow disabling untracked git status. Closes
* **explorer:** deal with existing buffers when renaming / deleting
files. Closes [#1315](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/1315)
* **explorer:** different hl group for broken links
* **explorer:** disable fuzzy searches by default for explorer since
it's too noisy and we can't sort on score due to tree view
* **explorer:** file watching that works on all platforms
* **explorer:** focus on first file when searching in the explorer
* **explorer:** git index watcher
* **explorer:** show symlink target
* **git_log:** add author filter
* **gitbrowse:** add support for git.sr.ht
* **gitbrowse:** open permalinks to files. Fixes
* **image.doc:** allow configuring the header for latex / typst inline
in the document. Closes
* **image.doc:** allow setting `image.src` with `#set!`. Closes
* **image.doc:** check for `image.ignore` in ts meta. See
* **image:** `conceal` option for inline rendering (disabled by default)
* **image:** `Snacks.image.hover()`
* **image:** add support for `svelte`
* **image:** adde support for `Image` in jsx
* **image:** added `opts.img_dirs` to configure the search path for
resolving images. Closes
* **image:** added `Snacks.image.doc.at_cursor()`. See
* **image:** added fallback image rendering for wezterm. Closes
* **image:** added math rendering for typst. Closes
* **image:** added proper support for tmux
* **image:** added support for `.image` tags in neorg
* **image:** added support for `typst`. Closes
* **image:** added support for a bunch of aditional languages
* **image:** added support for angle bracket urls. Closes
* **image:** added support for math expressions in latex and markdown
doc + images in latex. Closes
* **image:** added support for mermaid diagrams in markdown
* **image:** added support for remote image viewing. Closes
* **image:** added support for tsx, jsx, vue and angular
* **image:** added support for wikilink style images. Closes
* **image:** allow customizing font size for math expressions
* **image:** allow customizing the default magick args for vector images
* **image:** allow forcing image rendering even when the terminal
support detection fails
* **image:** apply image window options
* **image:** better detection of image capabilities of the terminal/mux
* **image:** better error handling + option to disable error
* **image:** better health checks
* **image:** check for `magick` in health check
* **image:** custom `src` resolve function
* **image:** enabled pdf previews
* **image:** floats in markdown. Closes
* **image:** health checks
* **image:** images are now properly scaled based on device DPI and
image DPI. Closing
* **image:** make manual hover work correctly
* **image:** make math packages configurable. Closes
* **image:** markdown inline image preview. `opts.image` must be enabled
and terminal needs support
* **image:** refactor + css/html + beter image fitting
* **image:** refactor of treesitter queries to support inline image data
* **images:** added support for org-mode. Closes
* **image:** show progress indicator when converting image files
* **image:** try resolving paths relative to the document and to the
cwd. See [#1203](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/1203)
* **image:** url_decode strings
* **image:** use `tectonic` when available
* **image:** use kitty's unicode placeholder images
* **image:** use search dirs to resolve file from both cwd and dirname
of file. Closes
* **image:** utility function to get a png dimensions from the file
* **matcher:** call on_match after setting score
* **picker.actions:** `cmd` action now always allows to edit the
command. Closes
* **picker.actions:** option to disable notify for yank action. Closes
* **picker.config:** better source field spec
* **picker.db:** allow configuring the sqlite3 lib path. Closes
* **picker.files:** added `ft` option to filter by extension(s)
* **picker.format:** `opts.formatters.file.use_git_status_hl` defaults
to `true` and adds git status hl to filename
* **picker.git_diff:** use the `diff` previewer for `git_diff` so that
`delta` can be used. See
* **picker.git:** add confirmation before deleting a git branch
* **picker.git:** add create and delete branch to git_branches
* **picker.git:** allow passing extra args to git grep. Closes
* **picker.git:** allow passing extra args to other git pickers
* **picker.lazy:** don't use `grep`. Parse spec files manually. Closes
* **picker.lsp:** added original symbol to item.item. Closes
* **picker.lsp:** use existing buffers for preview when opened
* **picker.preview:** allow confguring `preview = {main = true, enabled
= false}`
* **picker.preview:** allow passing additional args to the git preview
* **picker.proc:** added proc debug mode
* **picker.undo:** `ctrl+y` to yank added lines, `ctrl+shift+y` to yank
deleted lines
* **picker.undo:** added ctrl+y to yank added lines from undo
* **picker.util:** lua globber
* **picker.util:** utility function to get all bins on the PATH
* **picker:** `opts.focus` can be used to set default focus window.
`opts.enter` if picker should be focused on enter. Closes
* **picker:** add LSP symbol range to result item
* **picker:** added `c-q` to list
* **picker:** added `git_grep` picker. Closes
* **picker:** added `lsp_config` source
* **picker:** added treesitter symbols picker
* **picker:** allow complex titles
* **picker:** allow configuring file icon width. Closes
* **picker:** allow overriding default file/dir/dir_open icons. Closes
* **picker:** default `c-t` keymap to open in tab
* **picker:** each window can now be `toggled` (also input), `hidden`
and have `auto_hide`
* **picker:** get filetype from modeline when needed. Closes
* **picker:** image previewer using kitty graphics protocol
* **picker:** new native diff mode (disabled by default). Can be used to
show delta diffs for undo. Closes
* **picker:** pin picker as a split to left/bottom/top/right with
* **picker:** renamed `native` -> `builtin` + fixed diff mode used
for undo. Closes
* **scope:** allow injected languages to be parsed by treesitter
* **scroll:** big rework to make scroll play nice with virtual lines
* **scroll:** scroll improvements. Closes
* **statuscolumn:** added mouse click handler to open/close folds.
Closes [#968](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/968)
* **terminal:** added `Snacks.terminal.list()`. Closes
[#421](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/421). Closes
* **terminal:** added `start_insert`
* **terminal:** auto_close and auto_insert. Closes
* **terminal:** don't use deprecated `vim.fn.termopen` on Neovim >=
* test
* **toggle:** allow user to add custom which-key description
* **treesitter:** add `tree` boolean to toggle on/off tree symbols
* **util:** `Snacks.util.winhl` helper to deal with
* **util:** base64 shim for Neovim < 0.10
* **util:** Snacks.util.color can now get the color from a list of hl
* **util:** util.spawn
* **words:** add `filter` function for user to disable specific
filetypes ([#1296](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/1296))
### Bug Fixes
* **all:** better support for opening windows / pickers / ... on
multiple tab pages. Closes
* **bigfile:** check that passed path is the one from the buffer
* **buffers:** use `"` mark for full buffer position when set. Closes
* **compat:** correct Neovim 0.11 check
* **dashboard:** allow dashboard to be the main editor window
* **dashboard:** dashboard can be a main editor window
* **dashboard:** use `Snacks.util.icon` for icons. Closes
* **debug:** better args handling for debugging cmds
* **explorer.git:** always at `.git` directory to ignored
* **explorer.git:** better git status watching
* **explorer.git:** dont reset cursor when git status is done updating
* **explorer.git:** vim.schedule git updates
* **explorer.tree:** fix linux
* **explorer.tree:** symlink directories
* **explorer.watch:** pcall watcher, since it can give errors on windows
* **explorer:** always refresh state when opening the picker since
changes might have happened that were not monitored
* **explorer:** call original `on_close`. Closes
* **explorer:** change grep in item dir keymap to leader-/. Closes
* **explorer:** check that picker is still open
* **explorer:** disable follow for explorer search by default. No longer
needed. Link directories may show as files then though, but that's not
an issue. See [#960](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/960)
* **explorer:** dont focus first file when not searching
* **explorer:** dont process git when picker closed
* **explorer:** last status for indent guides taking hidden / ignored
files into account
* **explorer:** strip cwd from search text for explorer items
* **explorer:** windows
* **exporer.tree:** and now hopefully on windows
* **gitbrowse:** add support for GitHub Enterprise Cloud repo url
* **gitbrowse:** cwd for permalinks
* **gitbrowse:** previous logic always overwrote 'commit'
* **git:** use nul char as separator for git status
* **health:** skip dot dirs... Closes
* **image.doc:** crop inline typst equations properly
* **image.doc:** fixed at_cursor. Closes
* **image.health:** add check for ghost-script to render pdfs. Closes
* **image.health:** allow `convert` if `magick` not available
* **image.hover:** close when needed. Closes
* **image.latex:** include doc packages for math rendering. Closes
* **image.latex:** inline math formulas. Closes
* **image.markdown:** fix image treesitter query. Closes
* **image.terminal:** set passthrough=all instead of on for tmux. Closes
* **image:** added support for relative paths. Closes
* **image:** better cell size calculation for non-HDPI displays
* **image:** better image position caluclation. Closes
* **image:** create cache dir
* **image:** delay sending first image, to make ghostty happy. Closes
* **image:** delete terminal image on exit, just to be sure
* **image:** do not attach to invalid buffers
* **image:** don't fallback to `convert` on windows, since that is a
system tool
* **image:** failed state
* **image:** fix disappearing images when changing colorscheme
* **image:** fixed gsub for angle brackets. Closes
* **image:** fixup
* **image:** handle file uppercase file extensions. Closes
* **image:** handle inline images at the same TS node, but that changed
url. See [#1203](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/1203)
* **image:** hide progress when finished loading in for wezterm
* **image:** let text conversion continue on errors. See
* **image:** mermaid theme. Closes
* **image:** move assertion for src/content. See
* **image:** only load image when the file exists. Closes
* **image:** only setup tmux pass-through on supported terminals. Fixes
* **image:** prevent image id collisions by interleaving the nvim pid
hash in the image id
* **image:** relax check for wezterm. Closes
* **image:** remove `wezterm` from supported terminals, since they don't
support unicode placeholders. Closes
* **image:** remove debug
* **image:** remove ft check, since we use lang already. Closes
* **image:** remove some default latex packages
* **image:** remove test
* **image:** return converted filename instead of original src. Closes
* **image:** show full size when not showing image inline
* **image:** support Neovim < 0.10
* **image:** wrong return when trying second command
* **input:** add missing hl group for input title
* **layout:** deep merge instead of shallow merge for window options.
Closes [#1166](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/1166)
* **layout:** just hide any layouts below a backdrop. easier and looks
* **layout:** make sure width/height are at least `1`. Closes
* **layout:** take winbar into account for split layouts. Closes
* **layout:** zindex weirdness on stable. Closes
* **notifier:** keep notif when current buf is notif buf
* **picker.actions:** better set cmdline. Closes
* **picker.actions:** check that plugin exists before loading it in
help. Closes [#1134](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/1134)
* **picker.actions:** don't delete empty buffer when its in another
tabpage. Closes
* **picker.actions:** don't reuse_win in floating windows (like the
picker preview)
* **picker.actions:** fix qflist position
* **picker.actions:** keymap confirm. Closes
* **picker.actions:** reverse prev/next on select with a reversed list
layout. Closes [#1124](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/1124)
* **picker.actions:** use `vim.v.register` instead of `+` as default.
* **picker.buffers:** remove `dd` to delete buffer from input keymaps.
Closes [#1193](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/1193)
* **picker.colorscheme:** use wildignore. Closes
* **picker.config:** use `<c-w>HJKL` to move float to far
left/bottom/top/right. Only in normal mode.
* **picker.explorer:** ensure diagnostics can be disabled
* **picker.git:** account for deleted files in git diff. Closes
* **picker.git:** apply args to `git`, and not `git grep`.
* **picker.git:** better handling of multi file staging
* **picker.git:** correct root dir for git log
* **picker.git:** formatting of git log
* **picker.git:** handle git status renames. Closes
* **picker.git:** preserve chronological order when matching
* **picker.git:** properly handle file renames for git log. Closes
* **picker.help:** make sure plugin is loaded for which we want to view
the help
* **picker.highlight:** lower case treesitter parser name
* **picker.highlights:** close on confirm. Closes
* **picker.input:** prevent save dialog
* **picker.lines:** use original buf instead of current (which can be
the picker on refresh)
* **picker.list:** `list:view` should never transform reverse. Closes
* **picker.list:** allow horizontal scrolling in the list
* **picker.list:** better wrap settings for when wrapping is enabled
* **picker.list:** correct offset calculation for large scrolloff.
Closes [#1208](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/1208)
* **picker.list:** don't return non-matching items. Closes
* **picker.list:** don't show preview when target cursor/top not yet
reached. Closes
* **picker.list:** dont transform with reverse for resolving target.
Closes [#1142](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/1142)
* **picker.list:** keep existing target if it exists unless `force =
true`. Closes [#1152](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/1152)
* **picker.list:** let user override wrap
* **picker.list:** reset preview when no results. Closes
* **picker.lsp:** fix indent guides for sorted document symbols
* **picker.lsp:** handle invalid lsp kinds. Closes
* **picker.lsp:** only sort when not getting workspace symbols. Closes
* **picker.lsp:** sort document symbols by position
* **picker.matcher:** don't optimize pattern subsets when pattern has a
* **picker.matcher:** only consider subset patterns that contain only
whitespace and alpha numeric chars. Closes
* **picker.notifications:** close on confirm. Closes
* **picker.preview:** clear namespace on reset
* **picker.preview:** don't clear preview state on close so that
colorscheme can be restored. Closes
* **picker.preview:** don't reset preview when filtering and the same
item is previewed
* **picker.preview:** fix newlines before setting lines of a buffer
* **picker.preview:** hide line numbers / status column for directory
preview. Closes
* **picker.preview:** preview for uris. Closes
* **picker.preview:** update titles on layout update. Closes
* **picker.preview:** work-around for Neovim's messy window-local
options (that are never truly local). Closes
* **picker.proc:** don't close stdout on proc exit, since it might still
contain buffered output. Closes
* **picker.proc:** make sure to emit the last line when done. Closes
* **picker.projects:** add custom project dirs
* **picker.projects:** use fd or fdfind
* **picker.watch:** schedule_wrap. Closes
* **picker.zoxide:** directory icon
* **picker:** `nil` on `:quit`. Closes
* **picker:** `opts.focus = false` now works again
* **picker:** closed check for show preview. Closes
* **picker:** consider zen windows as main. Closes
* **picker:** disabled preview main
* **picker:** don't render list when closed. See
* **picker:** exit insert mode before closing with `<c-c>` to
prevent cursor shifting left. Close
* **picker:** go back to last window on cancel instead of main
* **picker:** initial preview state when main
* **picker:** only show extmark errors when debug is enabled. Closes
* **picker:** remove debug
* **picker:** remove debug :)
* **picker:** save toggles for resume. Closes
* **picker:** sometimes main layout win gets selected. Closes
* **picker:** update titles last on show. Closes
* **picker:** vim.ui.select callback is called when canceling selection
* **scroll:** added `keepjumps`
* **statuscolumn:** only execute `za` when fold exists
* **terminal:** check for 0.11
* **terminal:** softer check for using jobstart with `term=true` instead
of deprecated termopen
* **toggle:** hide toggle when real keymap does not exist. Closes
* **win:** apply win-local window options for new buffers displayed in a
window. Fixes [#925](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/925)
* **win:** better handling when the command window is open. Closes
* **win:** call `on_close` before actually closing so that prev win can
be set. Closes [#962](https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/issues/962)
* **words:** default count to 1. Closes
* **zen:** properly get zoom options. Closes
### Performance Improvements
* **dashboard:** speed up filtering for recent_files
* **explorer:** disable watchdirs fallback watcher
* **explorer:** early exit for tree calculation
* **explorer:** no need to get git status with `-uall`. Closes
* **explorer:** only update tree if git status actually changed
* **explorer:** only update tree when diagnostics actually changed
* **image.convert:** identify during convert instead of calling identify
* **image:** no need to run identify before convert for local files
* **picker.list:** only re-render when visible items changed
* **picker:** cache treesitter line highlights
* **picker:** cache wether ts lang exists and disable smooth scrolling
on big files
* **scroll:** much better/easier/faster method for vertical cursor
### Documentation
* docgen
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