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122 lines (106 loc) · 3.45 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (106 loc) · 3.45 KB



A simple filter is a table whose keys are item attributes. The following filter keeps items with attribute buf = 0 and ft = 'lua', i.e., diagnostics from the current buffer with filetype lua.

  modes = {
    my_diagnostics = {
      mode = 'diagnostics',
      filter = { buf = 0, ft = 'lua' },

A filter may be a function that takes items as parameter. The following filter keeps items with severity HINT

  modes = {
    my_diagnostics = {
      mode = 'diagnostics',
      filter = function(items)
        return vim.tbl_filter(function(item)
          return item.severity == vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT
        end, items)

Advanced examples

The not filter

The not negates filter results. The following filter removes diagnostics with severity INFO

  modes = {
    my_diagnostics = {
      mode = 'diagnostics',
      filter = {
        ['not'] = { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO },

The any filter

The any filter provides logical disjunction. The following filter keeps diagnostics for the current buffer or diagnostics with severity ERROR for the current project.

  modes = {
    my_diagnostics = {
      mode = 'diagnostics',
      filter = {
        any = {
          buf = 0,
            severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR,
              return item.filename:find((vim.loop or vim.uv).cwd(), 1, true)

Cascading diagnostics

The following filter keeps the most severe diagnostics. Once those diagnostics are resolved, less severe entries are shown.

  modes = {
    my_diagnostics = {
      mode = 'diagnostics',
      filter = function(items)
        local severity = vim.iter(items):fold(
          function(r, v) return math.min(r, v.severity) end)
        return vim.tbl_filter(
          function(item) return item.severity == severity end,

Item attributes

Item attributes are documented in lua/trouble/item.lua

Name Type Description
any Logical or Filter result disjunction
basename string File name.
buf number Buffer id.
dirname string Directory path.
filename string Full file path.
ft string or string[] File types.
kind string Symbol kind. See :h symbol.
not Logical not Filter result negation.
pos {[1]:number, [2]:number} Item position.
severity number Diagnostic severity. See :h diagnostic-severity.
source string Item source.