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Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

This part of the repository adds the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for the AWS EKS cluster.


  1. Provisioned EKS Cluster: Baseline Architecture.
  2. Connection to the cluster (via aws eks --region us-east-2 update-kubeconfig --name eks-cluster).
  3. AWS CLI - A command line tool for interacting with AWS services.
  4. kubectl - A command line tool for working with Kubernetes clusters.


  1. Deploy application to the AWS EKS Cluster: kubectl create -f TeaStore\teastore-hpa.yaml.
  2. Deploy Metrics Server: kubectl apply -f
  3. Check if Metrics Server is running: kubectl get deployment metrics-server -n kube-system.
  4. Create HPA by running Terraform apply and confirm with yes.

Test the HPA

The TeaStore application already provides load testing scripts for Apache Apache JMeter. To test the scaling functionality:

  1. Install JMeter (Installation).
  2. Open the GUI (bin/apacheJmeter.jar).
  3. Open JMeter file.
  4. Adjust the webpage endpoint (DNS of Load Balancer) (Call kubectl get services -> External IP of teastore-webui ).
  5. Start Thread group 3 (including several http requests).
  6. Monitor via kubectl (-n teastore-namespace) get pods.
  7. Stop the load testing.


  1. Delete application kubectl delete -f Teastore\teastore-hpa.yaml.
  2. Delete Policies: Terraform destroy confirm with yes. (Within this folder)
  3. Delete Cluster: Terraform destroy confirm with yes. (Within the Baseline Arhcitecture Folder)