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File metadata and controls

97 lines (77 loc) · 3.22 KB

SourceGraph for NeoVIM

Query SourceGraph from NeoVIM, display search results and open local files directly from search.



This plugin has a hard dependency on plenary.nvim since standard nvim lua library can't make web requests. So install those two plugins together.

Also for quickstart you can install fzf plugin, for which there are basic commands predefined already.

Minimal setup

Using plug:

Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'fspv/sourcegraph.nvim'

Recommended setup

Using plug:

Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'fspv/sourcegraph.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'

TODO: add packer instructios


Assumptions before starting using the plugin:

  • You're using a git repo
  • Your repo is indexed by the SourceGraph instance (either public or a private one)
  • Your current nvim cwd is the root of the repo you're trying to search
  • You have used recommended setup from the installation section
  • Sourcegraph knows your repo with the same path that is returned by git remote -v (excluding .git suffix, username and protocol)
  • Git upstream for the current branch is set to the branch, which contains commits, indexed by sourcegraph (otherwise, reset it with git branch --set-upstream-to)

Those assumptions should be the most common case, if you're already using sourcegraph with your repo, so just give it a go.

To search anything in the current repository, just enter:

:SourceGraph query123

If that worked, you've set up everything correctly, enjoy. You can also use sg/ shortcut to search a word under cursor.

In case that doesn't work, try the version, which doesn't add any git-related parameters

:SourceGraphRaw query123

Custom repo

Setting up a custom repo is as easy as calling

lua << EOF
    api_url = "",
    api_token = "abcde"

Telescope plugin

Telescope plugin provides you an ability to search as you type. Theoretically it is possible to make it with fzf as well, but it wasn't implemented in plugin yet.

By default the search scope is not limited by a particular repo or revision. You have to define a custom query prefix to search in your current repo. There is a vimscript function already defined (works only with git at the moment, see the assumptions above), to use it, you can do this:

require("telescope").setup {
  extensions = {
    sourcegraph = {
      query_prefix_function = function()
        return vim.fn["sourcegraph#construct_local_repo_query"]()


To search SourceGraph with Telescope, you can run this:

:Telescope sourcegraph

Or using lua

:lua require('telescope').extensions.sourcegraph.sourcegraph()


  • Add lsp to complete search