From c924a0602e620af6120a3c3cca7a57c52b6443a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Frank S. Thomas" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2023 21:34:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Setting version to 0.10.2

--- | 30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 4a400194a..45c126850 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 [![refined Scala version support](](
 **refined** is a Scala library for refining types with type-level predicates
 which constrain the set of values described by the refined type.
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ scala> val b: Int Refined Greater[W.`4`.T] = a
 b: Int Refined Greater[Int(4)] = 10
-**Note** that [`W`](
+**Note** that [`W`](
 is a shortcut for [`shapeless.Witness`][singleton-types] which provides
 syntax for [literal-based singleton types][sip-23].
@@ -187,23 +187,23 @@ ageEither2: Either[String,Age] = Right(55)
 ## Using refined
-The latest version of the library is 0.10.1, which is available for Scala and
+The latest version of the library is 0.10.2, which is available for Scala and
 [Scala.js][scala.js] version 2.12 and 2.13.
 If you're using sbt, add the following to your build:
 libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
-  "eu.timepit" %% "refined"                 % "0.10.1",
-  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-cats"            % "0.10.1", // optional
-  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-eval"            % "0.10.1", // optional, JVM-only
-  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-jsonpath"        % "0.10.1", // optional, JVM-only
-  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-pureconfig"      % "0.10.1", // optional, JVM-only
-  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scalacheck"      % "0.10.1", // optional
-  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scalaz"          % "0.10.1", // optional
-  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scodec"          % "0.10.1", // optional
-  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scopt"           % "0.10.1", // optional
-  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-shapeless"       % "0.10.1"  // optional
+  "eu.timepit" %% "refined"                 % "0.10.2",
+  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-cats"            % "0.10.2", // optional
+  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-eval"            % "0.10.2", // optional, JVM-only
+  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-jsonpath"        % "0.10.2", // optional, JVM-only
+  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-pureconfig"      % "0.10.2", // optional, JVM-only
+  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scalacheck"      % "0.10.2", // optional
+  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scalaz"          % "0.10.2", // optional
+  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scodec"          % "0.10.2", // optional
+  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scopt"           % "0.10.2", // optional
+  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-shapeless"       % "0.10.2"  // optional
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ For Scala.js just replace `%%` with `%%%` above.
 Instructions for Maven and other build tools are available at [][search.maven].
-Release notes for the latest version are [here](
+Release notes for the latest version are [here](
 ## Community
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ opening a pull request to list it here:
 ## Documentation
 API documentation of the latest release is available at:
 There are further (type-checked) examples in the [`docs`][docs]
 directory including ones for defining [custom predicates][custom-pred]