These functions are available on lua scripts.
* Create an image with black background,
* you should use DeleteImage() to release it.
Image CreateImage(width, height)
* Create an image with specific background color,
* you should use DeleteImage() to release it.
* @param color color 0xAABBGGRR - A: opacity, R: red, G: green, B: blue
Image CreateImageEx(width, height, color)
* Create a transparent image
* you should use DeleteImage() to release it.
Image CreateTransImage(width, height)
* Release an image
* Use it after CreateImage, CreateImageEx, CreateTransImage, LoadImage
* DO NOT release an image TWICE.
void DeleteImage(g)
* Get width of an image
* If the image has been released, it fails.
int GetWidth(g)
* Get height of an image
* If the image has been released, it fails.
int GetHeight(g)
* Get text from package.
* @param pathname File path. eg. 'lua/002.lua'
* @return "" If fails, content if success.
string GetText(pathname)
* Load an image from package.
* you should use DeleteImage() to release it.
* @param pathname File path. eg. 'img/1.jpg'
* @return nil if fails, image if success.
image GetImage(pathname)
* Load music from package.
* If b_loop set true, you should StopSound() manually.
* @param pathname File path. eg. 'bgm/1.mp3'
* @return nil if fails, sound if success.
sound GetSound(pathname, b_loop)
* Paste gSrc to gDest
* @param gDest destination image
* @param gSrc source image
* @param xDest destination x
* @param yDest destination y
void PasteToImage(gDest, gSrc, xDest, yDest)
* Paste gSrc to gDest and stretch
* @param gDest destination image
* @param gSrc source image
* @param xDest destination x
* @param yDest destination y
* @param DestWidth destination width
* @param DestHeight destination height
* @param xSrc source x
* @param ySrc source y
* @param SrcWidth source width
* @param SrcHeight source height
void PasteToImageEx(gDest, gSrc, xDest, yDest, DestWidth, DestHeight, xSrc, ySrc, SrcWidth, SrcHeight)
* Alpha blend gSrc and gDest
* @param gDest destination image
* @param gSrc source image
* @param opacity [0,255]
void AlphaBlend(gDest, gSrc, xDest, yDest, opacity)
* Alpha blend gSrc and gDest and stretch
void AlphaBlendEx(gDest, gSrc, xDest, yDest, DestWidth, DestHeight, xSrc, ySrc, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, Opacity)
* Display an image on window
void PasteToWnd(WndGraphic, g)
* Display an image on window and stretch
void PasteToWndEx(WndGraphic, g, xDest, yDest, DestWidth, DestHeight, xSrc, ySrc, SrcWidth, SrcHeight)
* Stop a background music.
* DO NOT stop a sound TWICE.
void StopSound(sound)
* Set volume
* @param volume [0,1]
void SetVolume(sound,volume)
* Play sound
void PlaySound(sound)
* Save screenshot in 'screenshot'
* @return true for success.
bool Screenshot()
* Get setting
* Actinidia will load settings from "data" on first start
* @param key string
* @return value string, nil if not exist
void GetSetting(key)
* Save setting
* Actinidia will save settings to "data" on quit
* @param key string
* @param value string
void SaveSetting(key, value)