yagg cli
- fix list, not choosing a template error
yagg core & yagg cli
- add missing file
yagg cli
- Update command names and docs
- new project using current directory
- choose a template from the list command
yagg core
- fix install dependencies
yagg core & yagg cli
- add git pre-commit hook
- add prettier-eslint
yagg core
- able to install dependencies & devDependencies
yagg cli
- add option -p to run command, to specify a path of your template
yagg core
- change how to write a template
- ask questions feature
yagg cli
- add -v option to display version
yagg core
- friendly error reponse
- debug flags
yagg cli & core
- lint code
- add travis ci
- refactor
yagg core
- refactor utils
yagg core
- check if file is an image
yagg cli
- refactor run command
- add message to list command
yagg cli
- new feature install dependencies
yagg core
- Refactor, move getDeps to utils
- remove envInfo
- update Error codes
- add test for install deps
yagg cli
- fix typo
- dumn fix
- add package.json to files
- fix typo, removed trailing coma
yagg cli
- you can now add a custom generator from cli
- you can now remove a custom generator from cli
- add cli
- can declare variables in files to be replaced #{token}
- created node module to handle tree cloning
- created bash script