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File metadata and controls

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File organization
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The url is the directory

A central concept of the Hub is that the organization of the files is the same as the organization of the pages on the website. That means that the path for the Markdown file for each page is the same as its url. Examples will illustrate this best:

Static pages

Path to Markdown file URL

Basically, the directories in the content directory are the urls of the site. The content of each page is in an file inside the final directory in the path.

Dynamic pages

Dynamic pages are kept in a different place but also follow this principle for the most part. Dynamic pages are ones which automatically aggregate other pages, like /events/.

The source code that generates the structure of dynamic pages is kept in Vue files in the src/ directory. Most dynamic pages are in src/pages/ and their location within that directory is the same as their url:

Path to Vue file URL

However, some Vue files generate multiple dynamic pages at different urls. Since one file produces pages at multiple urls, the file location can't mirror the url. These Vue files are kept in src/components/pages/.

For example, these two Vue files generate many different pages:

Vue file src/components/pages/Events.vue src/components/pages/TaggedEvents.vue

Creating static pages

Custom layouts for static pages

By default, any you create pretty much anywhere in content/ displayed the same way. It's got a good generic layout for most pages you'd want to create. But sometimes you'd like a special layout for a certain class of pages, like entries in a directory of people. This framework comes with a good example: the Galaxy Platform Directory. Any created under content/use/ will be displayed like this.

You can do this with a custom Collection. These are defined in the collections setting in config.json:

  "collections": {
    "Platform": "/use/"

Just add an entry like the existing one. The key is the name of your Collection and the value is the url path you want it to appear at. This will also be the path in the content/ directory your files will live at. Note: each file must be in a directory exactly one level below the given directory. So content/use/anvil/ will be a Platform, but content/use/archive/deeptools/ will not.

Then you can create the custom layout for the pages in this collection. This is done by creating a .vue file in the src/templates/ directory. The file should have the same name as your collection. E.g. the template for the Platform collection is src/templates/Platform.vue. FYI, if you'd like to modify the default layout, it's defined in src/templates/Article.vue. Every that's not in one of the directories defined in the collections in config.json is part of the Article Collection.

Categorizing your static pages

Pages in the Article collection can be subgrouped into different categories. These let you easily query for a specific category when listing Articles on a dynamic page. Pages are assigned a category based on their location in the filesystem (and thus their url).

The categories setting in config.json defines each category of pages by its url path:

  "categories": {
    "/blog":  "blog",
    "/events": "events",
    "/news": "news",
    "/careers": "careers"

In this example, all urls one level below /events/ will be put in the events category. Note that the url must be exactly one level below, not deeper! So /events/gcc2019/ will match, but not /events/gcc2019/abstracts/.

To define a new category, just add another entry, with the parent url as the key (without an ending slash) and the category name as the value. Then you can query for pages in that category in your .vue file in the src/pages/ directory.

Creating dynamic pages

Dynamic pages are ones where part of it is auto-generated. Usually they list a certain group of static pages.

Querying for the auto-generated content

The "dynamic" bit of dynamic pages is almost always a list of other pages. For example, /news/ lists all the news articles and /events/webinars/ lists all the pages on webinars.

To get this list of pages, you use the <page-query> part of your .vue file. This is a GraphQL query enhanced with custom filters provided by Gridsome. The Gridsome docs provide more detail on <page-query>s here.

To learn how to query for pages you need to understand how they are organized the framework. There are two, hierarchical types of page groupings. The top level is the Collection. Collections are described in more detail above. Basically, every page belongs to the Article collection unless it's part of a specialized one you define (like Platform or Person). Each collection has its own way of displaying a page. Then, Articles are divided into categories like blog, events, or careers. More detail on categories above.

To query for all pages of a given collection, you prepend the collection name with all in the query:

  allPlatform {
    edges {
      node {

To query for pages in a specific category, you add a filter for it. This query retrieves all Articles in the events category:

  allArticle(filter: {category: {eq: "events"}}) {
    edges {
      node {

Writing static content for dynamic pages

Dynamic pages show auto-generated content, but they also usually have some expository static text or images above or below the dynamic content. Instead of keeping this content in the .vue framework files, you can keep it in its natural form: Markdown files.

Just make a file named in the directory that corresponds to the url of your dynamic page. Then in the .vue file, you can query for it and then insert it into your <template> with a line like:

<div v-html="$page.main.content" />

To make it available to your template, you also need to add a clause to your <page-query> like this:

  main: insert (path: "/insert:events/main/") {

..where events/ is the url of the dynamic page and main is the base name of the Markdown file. You can actually name your Markdown file anything as long as you replace that part of the query. A common one is for content that goes below the dynamic content.

FYI, under the hood this is done with a custom Collection named Insert. Any .md file not named automatically becomes an Insert.