From 8e19da38bf1665c0974797fb975b15eaaaf70321 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gabriel Le Breton <>
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2024 20:49:29 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Update with more detailed manual deploy steps

--- | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 04113a4..c1fa6d0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Easily build and test your Unity project.
 We welcome [issues]( to and [pull requests]( against this repository!
-### How to Publish An Update
+### How to Publish An Update (for maintainers)
 1. Merge pull requests with desired changes to the main branch.
     - For the best experience, squash-and-merge and use [Conventional Commit Messages](
@@ -38,9 +38,49 @@ If you want a private orb for your build env. The following steps allow you to d
 [Manual Orb Authoring Process](
-circleci namespace create <name> --org-id <your-organization-id>
-circleci orb create <my-namespace>/<my-orb-name> --private
-circleci orb pack src > unity-orb.yml
-circleci orb publish unity-orb.yml <my-namespace>/<my-orb-name>@dev:first
-circleci orb publish promote <my-namespace>/<my-orb-name>@dev:first patch
+# Define variables
+REPO_URL="" # Change to your fork if needed
+BRANCH_NAME="main" # Use desired branch for testing PRs
+NAMESPACE="your-username" # Typically your GitHub username; Note: you can only have one namespace per CircleCI org
+ORG_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" # Found in CircleCI Organization Settings > Overview page
+ORB_NAME="unity-orb-private" # Private Orbs can't become public, so using `-private` allows your_username/unity-orb to be public later
+# You should not have to change these variables
+# Clone the repository
+git clone $REPO_URL unity-orb
+cd unity-orb || exit
+# Checkout the desired branch
+git checkout $BRANCH_NAME
+# Authenticate with CircleCI
+# You will need a token from to continue
+circleci setup
+# Create a CircleCI namespace
+circleci namespace create $NAMESPACE --org-id $ORG_ID
+# Create a private Orb under the namespace
+# Note: Error: To create private orbs, your organization must enable the 'Allow private orbs' feature in Org Settings > Security.
+circleci orb create $NAMESPACE/$ORB_NAME --private
+# Pack the Orb configuration from the source directory
+circleci orb pack $SRC_DIR > $OUTPUT_FILE
+# Publish the packed Orb to a development version
+# Promote the Orb to a stable release version
+circleci orb publish promote $NAMESPACE/$ORB_NAME@$DEV_VERSION $RELEASE_TYPE
+# You can now use the Orb in your CircleCI configuration
+echo "Orb published successfully"
+# Retrieve information about the Orb
+circleci orb info $NAMESPACE/$ORB_NAME