Today's Progress: Created a logger to push log to the 100 days of code repo. Inspired by 100-days-of-code-logger
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Today's Progress: Participated in codechef March challange. Solved three problems
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Today's Progress: Solved 4th problem in codechef March challange. Problem was a bit difficult. But somehow found the answer after so many solutions.
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Today's Progress: Tried to solve 5th problem in codechef march challenge. But could not come up with a solution
Today's Progress: Tried to solve the 5th problem in codechef march challenge. But, could not make much progress. Also learnt something about css positioning
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Today's Progress: Today also tried to solve the 5th problem in codechef march challenge. But come up with the solution
Today's Progress: Tried to solve the problem MINVOTE in codechef march challenge. I could able to solve it partially. I should find some other solutions to solve it completely
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Today's Progress: learnt the basics of css float and clear
Today's Progress: Solve problems in Hack2Hire by DBS. MCQ's were easy. But could not complete the coding challenge
Today's Progress: Tried to solve problems in codechef march challenge
Today's Progress: Participated in codechef march challenge
Today's Progress: Solved problems in CodeArena. Learnt a bit about Web Fundamentals
Today's Progress: Learnt a bit about node process
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Today's Progress: Learn a bit about nodejs repl
Today's Progress: Solved problems in hackerearth's CodeArena
Today's Progress: Tried to solve problems in Airtel Challenge conducted in HackerEarth
Today's Progress: Started with javascript30, a set of vanilla javascript projects by wes bos. Completed the first one (drum kit)
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Today's Progress: Completed clock and css_variables as a part of javascript30 challenge
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Today's Progress: Completed Array Cardio - Day 01 as a part of javascript30
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Today's Progress: Completed Flex Panel Gallery and Ajax Type Ahead as a part of javascript 30
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Today's Progress: Completed Array Cardio Day 2 and Fun With HTML Canvas and Dev Tools Domination
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Today's Progress: Completed Hold shift and check checkboxes, Custom video player and Key sequence detection
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Today's Progress: Compelted Slide In On Scroll, Javascript Reference VS Copying, Local Storage and Mouse Move Shadow
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Today's Progress: Completed Sort Without Articles, Adding Up Times With Reduce, Webcam Fun and Speech Detection
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Today's Progress: Completed Follow Along Link Highlighter, Speech Synthesis and Sticky Nav
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Today's Progress: Completed Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling And Once and Stripe Follow Along Nav
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Today's Progress: Completed Click And Drag and Video Speed Controller
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Today's Progress: Completed Countdown Timer and Whack A Mole
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Today's Progress: Today's Progress: Started with ReactJS. Read some fundamentals of reactjs. Also, setup eslint, babel and editorConfig for the Markdown Previewer react app
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- A Comprehensive Guide to React.js in 2018
- Diving into ESLint
- Pete Hunt - The Secrets of React's Virtual DOM (FutureJS 2014)
- MarkdownPreviewer
Today's Progress: Setup webpack and npm scripts for the Markdown Previewer react app
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Today's Progress: Continued with the Markdown Previewer react app. Learn some react basics from the React official docs
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Today's Progress: Completed markdown functionality for the React Markdown Preiewer app
Today's Progress: Added scroll and localstorage functionality in the Markdown Previewer react app
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Today's Progress: Added styles to my Markdown Previewer app
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Today's Progress: Added more styles to the Markdown Previewer app
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Today's Progress: Made some formatting in Markdown Previewer app. Also add windows support for my Alertify command line utility
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Today's Progress: Participated in codechef April Challenge. Solved the first problem. Tried the second one
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Today's Progress: Setup initial scaffolding for FCC leader board react app
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Today's Progress: Tried to solve problems in codechef April Challenge
Today's Progress: Tried to solve problems in codechef April Challenge
Today's Progress: Started with wesbos' CSS Grid course
Today's Progress: Learn about auto flow, sizing grids and repeat in CSS Grids by WesBos
Today's Progress: Completed Freecodecamp Leaderboard without sort functionality
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Today's Progress: Tried solving problems in Codechef April Challenge
Today's Progress: Added avatar in FCC Leaderboard. Also added media queries
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Today's Progress: Completed FCCLeaderBoard (Renamed to CamperBoard). Added alltime campers data and search functionality
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Today's Progress: Create react scaffolding for freecodecamp react projects
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Today's Progress: Started with Recipe Box (one of the freecodecamp's react js projects). Added header and footer for the app
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Today's Progress: Added formatting to header and footer in recipe box app
Today's Progress: Learnt about react keys and list from react docs
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Today's Progress: Added more styles to the reactjs Recipe app
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Today's Progress: Created recipe layout for the RecipeBox app with mock data. Made it responsive with random background color
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Today's Progress: Added save functionality with mock data in the Recipe Box app. Yet to complete add and delete functionality
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Today's Progress: Completed the Recipe Box app. Completed add and delete recipe functionality
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Today's Progress: Started with NodeToDo. Set up node source code in my system. Also done inital scaffolding for Game of Life react app
Today's Progress: Added row, column, speed controls and action buttons in Game of Life app
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Today's Progress: Added styles and event handles for input in Game of Life
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Today's Progress: Fixed minor issues in Game of Life app
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Today's Progress: Added code to generate grid with varying rows and columns in Game of Life
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Today's Progress: Added logic to set random live cells in Game Of Life
Today's Progress: Fixed random alive cell generation issue. Added logic to clear the grid
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Today's Progress: Learnt about the game of life logic
Today's Progress: Fixed few formattings in game of life
Today's Progress: Started implementing the game of life logic. Not yet commited the code. Will commit tomorrow
Today's Progress: Participated in codechef may challenge
Today's Progress: Started with the basics of data structures and algorithms
Today's Progress: Started learning stack as a part of learning data structures and alogrithms
Today's Progress: Learnt about color psychology and how to choose the best colour for a product
Today's Progress: Started learning the basics of UX to design the Journal app
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Today's Progress: Started with the freehand designs for Journal App. Created the first screen. Discussed with @Dhanushu and found some issues with the design. I have to review the design. I will upload the design once the prototype is finalized
Today's Progress: Reviewed the design of Journal app and modified few changes
Today's Progress: Reviewed the journal app again and found some issues. I need to review and make changes again
Today's Progress: Reviewed the journal design today and made few changes. shared the design with the team members
Today's Progress: Started with material design guidelines to design the ui for journal app
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Today's Progress: Continued with the Material Design Guidelines. Learnt about Navigation and Search
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Today's Progress: Started creating prototype for the journal app. Completed half of the design for home page
Today's Progress: Continued with the journal prototype design. Completed the home page. Yet to design prototype for search, settings, new journal, navbar and notification
Today's Progress: Designed nav bar for the journal app
Today's Progress: Completed the design for search, notification in journal app
Today's Progress: Completed the design to add new journal and journal options
Today's Progress: Starting creating designs using Adobe XD. Created the home page for journal. Made some changes to the design
Today's Progress: Designed mobile prototype of the journal app. Completed search design
Today's Progress: Design mobile prototype for notifications and adding new journal
Today's Progress: Made few changes to the design with respect to colour
Today's Progress: Made few changes to the journal design and added prototype for journal options like rename, change cover, delete and info
Today's Progress: Created design for empty journals/entries/trash/recent. Also made few modifications to the existing design
Today's Progress: Changes the mobile design for entries and options in journal app. Made few modifications to the color.
Today's Progress: Created login/signup prototype (both web and mobile) for the journal app
Today's Progress: Created journal web designs using Adobe XD. Completed desing for search, notifications, journal page
Today's Progress: Completed remaining web designs for journal app. Completed design for starred, recent, trash
Todays Progress: Started learning GraphQL. Learnt the basics of graphQL
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Today's Progress: Continued with GraphQL. Learnt abour Query, Mutations and Subscriptions
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Today's Progress: Reviewed the journal design and modified few changes in the design
Today's Progress: Made few modifications in the menubar, login and trash
Today's Progress: Started setting up the Journal code in local environment. Faced some issues installing docker on windows 10 home. Have to try installing it in linux
Today's Progress: Setup docker, node and postgres sql in Ubuntu 18. Docker is working fine. Faced issue with connecting prisma to postgres sql inside docker
Today's Progress: Fixed the issue with prisma connecting to postgres inside docker. Replaced localhost docker connection with Amazon RDS DB connection
Today's Progress: Learnt about Docker and the basics of postgres sql
Today's Progress: Learnt javascript prototype chain and callbacks
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Today's Progress: Learnt javascript apply and bind, javascript closures