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Postgres Build Status Heroku

Garden Share

Garden-Share: BackEnd


This repository represents the backend portion of a capstone project for the Turing School of Software & Design.

Garden-Share is an application designed to function as a produce swap meet...

All of the repositories that make up this project can be found here

Table of Contents


Garden-Share utilizes a service-orriented architecture to ensure future scalability.

The back-end is written primarily in Ruby on Rails/GrahphQL and deployed via Heroku

The front-end is written primarily in JavaScript/Node.js and is deployed via [Heroku](FE URL Needed!)

The microservice is written primarily in Python/Flask and is deployed via Heroku

To see all available endpoints the Garden-Share-BE.postman_collection.json file (located in the root directory) can be imported into Postman.





These setup instructions are for Mac OS.

This project requires the use of Ruby 2.5.3 and Rails

We also use PostgreSQL as our database.


Install Necessary Programs
  1. Verify your machine has the correct version of Ruby installed (2.5.3). You can check this by entering ruby -v from the command line.

    • To install, enter rbenv install 2.5.3 from the command line.
  2. Verify your machine has the correct version of Rails installed ( You can check this by entering rails -v from the command line.

    • To install, enter gem install rails -v 5.2.3 from the command line.
Local Repo Setup
  1. Fork & Clone Repo
  2. Run bundle install.
  3. From the command line, install gems and set up your DB:
    • bundle install
    • rails db:create
    • rails db:migrate
  4. Install Figaro with bundle exec figaro install to create an application.yml file locally
  5. Add ZIPCODE_MICROSERVICE_BASE_URL: '' to the application.yml file

Testing Build Status

This app utilizes Travis CI for integrated testing.

Run the test suite with bundle exec rspec

The Garden Share BE utilizes the following gems and libraries in testing:

Deployment Heroku

For local deployment run your development server with rails s and visit localhost:3000 to see the app in action.

For accessing the microservice you can run rails s and visit localhost:3001 and include ZIPCODE_MICROSERVICE_BASE_URL: 'http://localhost:3001/' in the application.yml file

Garden Share is deployed remotely via Heroku
