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DOM Manipulation & Events

What is the DOM?

The DOM is a structured representation of a HTML document.

  • Document Object Model
  • Tree of nodes/elements (tags) created by the browser
  • JavaScript can be used to read/write/manipulate the DOM
  • The DOM is Object Oriented Representation (each node has its own set of properties and methods)

The browser gives us a window object and inside that we have a document object. The diagram above represents the loaded documents web page.

  • root element which is the <html> element
  • below we have the <head> and <body> tag which are both siblings (i.e. on the same level) in the tree
  • in the <head> we have things like the meta tags, title etc.
  • in the <body> we have our output such as h1, HTML5 header/footer, links tags etc.
  • we can manipulate the elements using JavaScript
  • you can use libraries such as jQuery to make it a little easier to manipulate the DOM, but it is worth learning how to do these stuff using vanilla JavaScript

Analogy: using jQuery to select elements from the DOM is kind of like using a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito.

Examining The Document Object

document object returns the HTML structure.

Document Properties

  • all returns all of HTML document tags as arrays
    • uses zero indexing to call back specific tag from the document array
  • all.length finds the length (properties) of the document array (i.e. number of elements in the DOM)
  • head returns the <head> element of the current document
  • body returns the <body> element of the current document
  • doctype returns the Document Type Declaration
  • domain returns the domain name
  • URL returns the document location as a string
  • characterSet returns the character encoding of the document
  • contentType access to the content type i.e. text/html

Selecting DOM Properties Without Selectors

  • forms returns an all the <form> elements contained in the document (if there are more forms they will have index numbers assigned to them)
    • id select ID of the form
    • method get method (forms have get and post methods)
    • action returns any action on the form
  • links returns a collection of all links in a document with a value for the href attribute
    • we can access certain links using the index number
    • id returns the link id
    • className returns a string of all the classes
    • links[0].classList[0] returns a DOMtokensList of the different classes (use zero index to select a specific class)
  • images returns images, if none then returns an empty collection
  • scripts returns a list of the <script> elements in the document
    • getAttribute() returns the attribute of a script


By default, you cannot run loops on HTML collections. You must convert them into an array in order to use loops such as forEach loops etc.

  • Array.from() creates a new, shallow-copied Array instance from an array-like or iterable object

DOM Selectors For Single Elements

DOM Element Selectors are object methods that allow us to pull things from the DOM, manipulate and do different things to the elements or nodes.

Note: jQuery is useful for quick simple plugins and/or scripts for specific actions. You should no longer use it for DOM manipulation.

Two types of selectors:

  1. Single Element Selectors which allows you to grab a single element by its id/class/etc and it can only store one element. If you use a single element that appears more than once in the DOM, it will only grab the single first instance of the element
  2. Multiple Element Selectors will grab all the elements with the class and return a HTML collection or a node list depending on which selector you use

Two ways to select single elements:

  • document.getElementById() returns an Element object representing the element whose id property matches the specified string
  • document.querySelector() is newer and much more powerful that returns the first Element within the document that matches the specified selector, or group of selectors
    • if no matches are found, null is returned
    • works exactly like jQuery and accepts any CSS selectors

Note: Target a specific element even if there is more than one in the DOM by using the CSS :first-child/:last-child/:nth-child() sudo element within the querySelector.

DOM Selectors For Multiple Elements

  • document.getElementByClassName() returns an array-like object of all child elements which have all of the given class names
  • document.getElementByTagName() returns an HTMLCollection of elements with the given tag name
  • querySelectorAll() returns a static NodeList (not HTML Collection) representing a list of the document's elements that match the specified group of selectors
    • NodeList counts not just elements but also things like text nodes and it also allows us to do things such as forEach loops and other array methods without having to convert it into an array first

Note: for loop will work with both HTML Collections and Node Lists (using length on a HTML collection and access the item using the index) whereas the forEach loop will only work with Array/NodeList and not with HTML Collections.

Traversing The DOM

Traversing the DOM is the action of moving up and down the DOM object and dealing with specific parent and children nodes or whatever it is that we select.

There are different properties attached to the document items/nodes and it all depends on whether we select the parent or child of these nodes.

  • childNodes returns a NodeList of child nodes of the given element, this includes text nodes which represents line breaks within HTML document
    • nodeName returns the name of the current node as a string
    • nodeType represents the type of the node
    • nodeType will return a number for the node selected
      • 1 = Element
      • 2 = Attribute (deprecated)
      • 3 = Text node
      • 8 = Comment
      • 9 = Document itself
      • 10 = Doctype
  • children returns a HTMLCollection which contains all of the child elements of the node upon which it was called
  • firstChild returns the node's first child in the tree, or null if the node has no children
  • firstElementChild returns the object's first child Element, or null if there are no child elements
  • lastChild returns the last child of the node
  • lastElementChild returns the object's last child Element or null if there are no child elements
  • childElementCount returns an unsigned long representing the number of child elements of the given element
  • parentNode returns the parent of the specified node in the DOM tree
  • parentElement returns the DOM node's parent Element, or null if the node either has no parent, or its parent isn't a DOM Element
  • nextSibling returns the node immediately following the specified one in their parent's childNodes, or returns null if the specified node is the last child in the parent element
  • nextElementSibling allows us to move down the DOM, from within the element node and we can combine this property to move multiple times down
  • previousSibling returns the node immediately preceding the specified one in its parent's childNodes list, or null if the specified node is the first in that list
  • previousElementSibling allows us to move up the DOM, from within the element node and we can combine this property to move back up the DOM

Note: We can combine nextElementSibling and previousElementSibling to move up and down the element node. Note we can all Traverse up and down Child Nodes using .nextSibling and .previousSibling (Child Nodes contain other nodes other than elements).

Creating Elements

  • createElement() creates the HTML element specified by tagName, or an HTMLUnknownElement if tagName isn't recognized
  • setAttribute() sets the value of an attribute on the specified element
  • appendChild() adds a node to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node
  • createTextNode() creates a new string to be put in the text node

Steps in Creating & Appending Elements to the DOM

  1. Create an element
  2. Add an id/classes/attributes to the element (Optional)
  3. Add text Node (& append to element)/innerHTML (Optional)
  4. Append the new element to the DOM as child element node.

Removing & Replacing Elements

Replace an Element

  • Step 1
    • Create a element using a variable
    • Add id/class/attributes/textNodes to the element
  • Step 2
    • Locate the old element we would want to replace and add it to a variable
    • Get the parent element of the old element and store it in a variable. .replaceChild() requires a parent object to call on the method
  • Step 3
    • Replace the old element with the new element using the .replaceChild()

Remove an Element

  • Step 1
    • Create a variable to store all the elements using querySelectorAll().
    • Create a variable to store the ul (parent) element of the li element.
  • Step 2 There are two ways in which we can remove/delete a child element from the DOM.
    • The first variable in step 1 allows us to select an element using the index, then followed by the remove() to remove the element
    • Alternatively we can use the second variable and remove by child element using the parent and calling on the removeChild(), then passing in the first variable with the index as the parameter/argument

Classes & Attributes

  • replaceChild() replaces one child node of the specified node with another
  • remove() of the DOMTokenList interface removes the specified tokens from the list
    • will remove the object from the tree it belongs to
  • removeChild() will remove a child node from the DOM. Returns removed node
  • add() of DOMTokenList interface adds the given token to the list
  • hasAttribute() returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified element has the specified attribute or not
  • removeAttribute() removes the attribute with the specified name from the element.

Event Listeners & The Event Object

Events listeners & the event object allows us to have interactivity on our web page. We can listen to Events on any elements in the DOM.

  • addEventListener() sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target
    • usually takes in two parameters, E.g. 'click' & named or unnamed function
  • preventDefault() tells the user agent that its default action should not be taken as it normally would be

Event Listeners

  • Step 1
    • Query Select an element in the DOM we wish to listen to events on
  • Step 2
    • Add .addEventListener() to listen to the element, takes in two parameters
      1. an event action, and
      2. a function
    • the function can either be an unnamed function or a named function

The Event Object

All event objects are based on the Event Object, and inherits all of it's properties and methods

  • target returns the element that triggered the event
  • type returns a string containing the event's type
  • timeStamp returns the time (in milliseconds) at which the event was created
  • clientY & clientX are property of the MouseEvent interface returns the horizonal/vertical coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred
  • offsetX & offsetY are property of the MouseEvent interface provides the offset in the X/Y coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the padding edge of the target node

Mouse Events

MouseEvent represents events that occur due to the user interacting with a pointing device

Mouse Events Types

  • click is when button is pressed and released on a single element
  • dblclick is when button is clicked twice on a single element
  • mousedown is when button is pressed on an element
  • mouseup is when button is released over an element
  • mouseenter is when a pointing device is moved over the element that has the listener attached
  • mouseleave is when the pointer is moved out of an element that has the listener attached to it
  • mouseover is when a pointing device is moved onto the element that has the listener attached or onto one of its children
  • mouseout is when is moved off the element that has the listener attached or off one of its children
  • mousemove is when pointing device is moved while over an element

Keyboard & Input Events

KeyboardEvent describe a user interaction with the keyboard; each event describes a single interaction between the user and a key on the keyboard.

InputEvent interface represents an event notifying of editable content change.

Keyboard Events Types

  • keydown produce a character value and for keys that do not produce a character value
  • keyup fired when a key is released
  • keypress produces a character value is pressed down
  • focus fired when an element has received focus
  • blur fired when an element has lost focus
  • cut fired when a selection has been removed from the document and added to the clipboard
  • paste fired when a selection has been pasted from the clipboard to the document
  • input fired synchronously when the value of an <input>, <select>, or <textarea> element is changed

Other Input Field/Forms Events Types

  • submit is fired when a form is submitted
  • change is fired when selected list option is changed

Event Bubbling & Delegation

Event Bubbling is the bubbling up of events through the DOM. When an event occurs in a particular element in the DOM, it will bubble up through its parent.

Event Delegation is almost quite the opposite of Event Bubbling. It is where we put the .addEventListener on the parent element and use logic/condition on the Event Handler (function) to target the actual child element we would want the event action (e.g., click) to be applied/targeted to.

We would use event delegation for situations such as deleting a specific/selected list item (if we do not use event delegation, the event will only apply to the first instance of the list element and not to the other list elements) or when we would want to dynamically insert something into the DOM through JavaScript for example if we insert a new list item that was not there originally when the page loaded, we would then require the use of event delegation.

Local & Session Storage

  • localStorage/sessionStorage API is part of the browser window object
  • we can store key:value pairs into local/session storage, but the value must be a string
  • we can also save arrays and objects by converting them into a string using JSON.stringify()
  • to pull the data out of storage we parse it back using the JSON.parse()

Local Storage vs Session Storage

  • localStorage will stay until you manually clear it out in your settings or in your program
  • sessionStorage will go away when the browser is closed (i.e., session ends)

Local & Session Storage Methods

  • key:value pairs are required when storing data
  • setItem() will add the key to the storage, or update that key's value if it already exists
  • getItem() will return the key's value or null if the key does not exist
  • removeItem() will remove the key from the storage if it exists
  • clear() will remove all the stored keys/items

JSON.Stringify & JSON.parse

  • JSON.stringify() converts a JavaScript object or value into a JSON string
  • JSON.parse() parses a JSON string and converts it into a JavaScript object