issues Search Results · repo:ghostbar/angular-file-model language:JavaScript
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inghostbar/angular-file-model (press backspace or delete to remove)I use directive like yours, and file upload element defined in template like this:
div class= form-action ng-if= source === upload
div class= form-group
label for= uploadFile Your ...
- Opened on Mar 19, 2018
- #14
I am trying to allow the user to remove the selected file and re-select another one. This will work fine, unless the
user selects the same file as previous. Then nothing seems to happen. The on-read-file ...
- 3
- Opened on Aug 12, 2016
- #10
when i m using input file more then once i got only the first one . if i did not use the first input file i got nothing.
- Opened on Aug 2, 2015
- #9
hi i found it working fine with angualr 1.4. and after looking into the simple code i dont see why it would hurt to
allow more than 1.3
- 1
- Opened on Jun 26, 2015
- #6
The huge obstacle here is how to stuck the input type= file so the model can get changes and be tested.
in progress
- Opened on May 14, 2014
- #1

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