AlnSeqTree stands for Aligned Sequence Tree
which is the implementation
of building phylogenetic tree based on aligned sequences by distance method.
It is derived version from our alignment-free phylogeny project, CVTree.
- astree: the main program, it get the phylogeny tree based on aligned fasta file of genomes.
- as2dm: Get the distance matrix based on the aligned fastas
- dm2tree: Get the phylogeny tree from the distance matrix by neighbor-joint method.
- mconv: convert format of dissimilarity matrix file
- getdist: Show select distances from the distamce matrix
- diffmtx: compare two distance matrixes
- cmake >= 3.0
- g++ >= 4.8 or other compiler supporting C++11 standard
- require ligrary: libz
- compiler with support openmp for parallel (option)
- Library (option): netcdf, netcdf_cpp
- Library (option): libhdf5 for c++ (Please don't use the hdf5 libraries in Anaconda)
- unzip the package file and change into it
- mkdir build and change into it
- cmake .. or add some options you wanted
- make
- make install (option)
- obtain aligned fasta file by MSA programs, e.g. mafft, muscale
- run command
astree -i align.fasta
, get distance matrix and newick tree - use
add reference matrices with seprated by common.
- add more methods to calculated distance
- add method to plug strains into reference tree
- add other method to build tree
This software is free for non-commercial use. For commercial use, a software agreement is required.