Metrics for phoenix and ecto.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding alchemetrics_web
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:alchemetrics_web, "~> 0.5.4"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
- Add alchemetris_web to your application list in mix.exs file:
def application do
applications: [:phoenix, ..., :alchemetrics_web]
- Plug AlchemetricsWeb to your endpoint:
defmodule MyApp.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: ...
use AlchemetricsWeb
%{datapoint: :last_interval, request_count: %{action: :index, controller: "page_controller", type: "controller"}, value: 1}
%{datapoint: :total, request_count: %{action: :index, controller: "page_controller", type: "controller"}, value: 1}
%{datapoint: :avg, request_time: %{action: :index, controller: "page_controller", type: "controller"}, value: 192090}
%{datapoint: :max, request_time: %{action: :index, controller: "page_controller", type: "controller"}, value: 192090}
%{datapoint: :min, request_time: %{action: :index, controller: "page_controller", type: "controller"}, value: 192090}
%{datapoint: :p95, request_time: %{action: :index, controller: "page_controller", type: "controller"}, value: 192090}
%{datapoint: :p99, request_time: %{action: :index, controller: "page_controller", type: "controller"}, value: 192090}
%{datapoint: :total, request_time: %{action: :index, controller: "page_controller", type: "controller"}, value: 192090}
%{datapoint: :last_interval, request_time: %{action: :index, controller: "page_controller",type: "controller"}, value: 192090}
- To collect and report ecto query metrics, config ecto logger in config.exs:
config :my_app, MyApp.Repo, ...,
loggers: [..., {AlchemetricsWeb.Collectors.Ecto, :collect, []}]
Ecto collector will report the follow data:
%{datapoint: :total, options: [], query_count: %{type: "database.ecto"}, value: 1}
%{datapoint: :total, name: "queue_time", options: [], type: "database.ecto", value: 46}
Alchemetrics automatically schedule collected request and query metrics, but its possible to customize the way how the metrics is reported. In order to do that you must implement modules to receive the collected metrics and set this up in your config file. The follow example shows how can you do that:
defmodule MyApp.CustomPhoenixReporter do
def report(value, metadata) do
# value is the reported metric value.
# metadata is a keyword list.
def increment(metadata) do
# metadata is a keywork list.
In config.exs
config :alchemetrics_web, :custom_request_reporter, MyApp.CustomPhoenixReporter
To create a custom reporter for ecto queries just replace :custom_request_reporter config key by :custom_ecto_reporter