Releases: godbout/Scrolla.blahblah
Releases · godbout/Scrolla.blahblah
Sl1a5: The 💅️ Edition.
summary: fine-tuning. new colors. fixing some automatic scrolling.
- fix a bug where Scrolla could still be scrolling even if you switch it off by pressing a combination of keys fast enough 🙈️
- improve the AX Engine's ScrollBars and Scroll Areas within Scroll Areas detections (will now work on Finder)
- update G.'s Flamboyant Fuchsia to an even more flamboyant one 💅️
Sl1: The Improve Handling of Non Activating Panels That Do Not Disappear Edition.
summary: improve handling of Non Activating Panels that do not disappear.
improve handling of Non Activating Panels
- that do not disappear when another panel shows up (Spotlight, Things 3)
Sl1a4: The Passthrough Edition.
summary: passthrough.
- passthrough. don't you get it?
Sl1a3: The 24h Chrono Edition.
summary: fixes. QOL improvements. new fadeout window. feedback when no Scrollable Areas are found.
- draw Areas borders properly when dealing with non activating panel windows like Alfred, Wooshy, Dash, etc.
- give back focus to previous app when closing the Preferences/Settings window (so that you can blast Scrolla, kV or Wooshy right away)
- add a flashing feedback when no Scrollable Area is found (which means, not even a window)
- add the HazeOver Window that that fades the background and allows the Scrollable Window to stand out
- add support for WhatsApp Desktop (App Store version)
Sl1a2: The Mandatory Alpha 2 Edition.
summary: as usual, the first alpha is followed by a second alpha the next day. some needed QOL improvements. your Settings will be currently lost coz i'm too lazy to migrate :p ALPHA FTW!!!
- references to Wooshy are gone 😅️
- if no Scroll Area can be found, Scrolla will target the Window itself. useful for web browsers and shit Electron apps
- Scroll Areas are now renamed Areas, as a Scrollable Areas can be of some other types
- update menu icon to something a bit more conspicuous
- add Distributed Notifications:
Sl1a1: The Alpha Male Edition.
summary: a first shitload of features and other stuff.