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Releases: godbout/Wooshy.blahblah

Ws1a23: The Multi Monitors Edition, Part 1.

28 Sep 09:22
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summary: the whole display system is now revamped and automatedly tested. The Input and the Background Fadeout should now show on the correct monitor, on the right place, whether you use two or a thousand, without or without monitors having their separate Spaces. But you never know. Please report if you find issues. The multi monitors support for The Targets is coming in Part 2.


  • The Input now shows up at the right position in multiple screens setups
  • The Background fade out will now fade the right monitor in multiple screens setups


  • add support for Skype

Ws1a22: The Small Edition.

17 Sep 13:22
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summary: a quick one this time as i'm still working on 1) a full multiple monitors support 2) a way to show the matches for each UI Element. once those two are done the beta will most probably be starting.


  • fix the position of The Input on multiple monitors for when the "Displays have separate Spaces" macOS Setting is ON


  • add support for Sunsama

Ws1a21: The Copy Edition.

07 Sep 06:21
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summary: copy the visible text of your Primary Target (or the descriptive text for icons, images, etc.) with ⌘C, or copy the metadata (URL for links, value for checkboxes, tabs, radiobuttons etc.) instead by adding a modifier key to ⌘C. plus some improvements here and there.


  • Wooshy will stop targeting the App Menus if the menu bar is not visible
  • Wooshy will target the Dock elements again if the Dock is set to auto-hide but you show it by going close to it with your mouse (🥊️🥊️🥊️)
  • right click has been tweaked so that it should work properly now even in the few apps where it may also have generated a left click


  • option in the Preferences to prevent scrolling when you're Wooshing (rather than making the Targets disappear)
  • you can copy the descriptive text of your Primary Target with ⌘C
  • you can copy the metadata of your Primary Target by adding , , or to ⌘C

Ws1a20: The Good Thing About Being an Alpha Edition Edition.

27 Aug 15:48
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summary: removing the Search Case option. it ends up being more confusing than anything else, as Wooshy is also searching through UI Elements metadata that you cannot see. cherry on the cake, what you actually see on webpages and Electron apps may actually not be reachable through the macOS Accessibility APIs, so the way Wooshy still matches is through the metadata. many times the case between what you see and what is in the metadata is different. so that makes the whole UX of this Search Case pretty bad. so bye bye.

summary 2: fixes and new goodies and improvements and a new pink. see below.


  • the first Primary Target was not being read by VoiceOver if you had VoiceOver ON. it is now 🥳️


  • improve VoiceOver announcement for almost all UI Element types available on macOS
  • stop targeting the Dock if it is not visibile as the clicking is widely inconsistent


  • two Distributed Notifications—WooshyInputDidAppear and WooshyInputDidDisappear—that you can catch now in tools like BTT, Hammerspoon etc to build your own custom workflows!
  • add new Aaron Pastel Pink color for the Targets

Ws1a19: The Case Edition.

24 Aug 16:20
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summary: are you sensitive, insensitive, or smart?


  • add a setting in the Search Preferences to tweak the case sensitivity of your search

Ws1a18: The Real VoiceOver Edition, Part 1.

22 Aug 18:29
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summary: if you have VoiceOver ON, Wooshy will now announce the Primary Target 🥳️ so if you're blind, i hope you can read this. this is just the beginning. every UI Element role has to be somehow "curated". support will increase with the next releases.


  • make Primary Target announcement through VoiceOver (thank you Apple)
  • add support for Arc
  • add support for Todoist

Ws1a17: The Single-Minded Edition.

17 Aug 16:38
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summary: add support for Firefox Developer Edition. you don't even need to read further.


  • add support for Firefox Developer Edition

Ws1a16: The Edition.

15 Aug 03:49
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summary: yes.


  • fix macOS standard keyboard shortcuts not working (⌘a, ⌘c, etc.) when within The Input on macOS Monterey 12.5


  • The Input and the Targets will now go back to sleep when scrolling rather than showing wrong positions
  • improve support for how Firefox (and Firefox-based apps) renders websites


  • add support for Mailspring
  • add support for Yac

Ws1a15: The NZ BE and US Edition.

11 Aug 10:59
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summary: actually shipping the improvements for the Accessibility Engine that i said i shipped yesterday. and some VoiceOver goodies.


  • improve Accessibility Engine to grab more stuff on naughty web pages, for real this time
  • improve the VoiceOver Targets Color Preset. more breathing room


  • add support for Unity Hub

Ws1a14: Another QOL Edition.

10 Aug 07:57
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summary: handle recalcitrant web buttons with mega huge rounded corners. deal better with some painfully designed webpages.


  • improve click area for webpages with mega rounded corner links (i.e. now the click will work)
  • improve Accessibility Engine, should grab more UI elements in some webpages while not changing anything for most other pages (experimental)