real time chart your power home energy consumption tested with original neurio energy monitors requires access to same network neurio is running requires curl, jq, gnuplot update the NEURIO_IP with neurio local ip address chmod +x ./ endpoint protected with password chmod +x ./ neurio api docs using nix shell (note: overrides terminal type) protected endpoint cd nix_dev_shell nix-shell neurio_protected.nix unprotected endpoint (update user and pass) cd nix_dev_shell nix-shell neurio_unprotected.nix Can use gnuplot environment variables The default terminal type setup is x11, you can override with this env variable TERM_NAME='' gnuplot terminal types tested with gnuplot 5.4.9 curl 8.4.0 jq 1.7.1 note: known bug with gnuplot 6.0. reread command is deprecated